Throughout the play, Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, various characters seek for revenge, including protagonist, prince Hamlet. While he seeks for revenge for his father since his uncle disgracefully killed him, Hamlet murders Polonius, the father of his friend, Laertes, causing an avengeful domino effect. Hamlet has to face many obstacles, including his own indecisive mind, to take action for his father and the revenge obligations of Laertes and Polonius parallel the plot.…
Hamlets father was killed by his Uncle Claudius due to jealousy of the kingdom. Claudius poisoned his brother while he was sleeping in the garden. Hamlet finds out his father was murdered by meeting is ghost in the yard of the kingdom. Hamlet decides to plan out his revenge by first acting like he has gone mad because of his father’s death. He breaks his loves heart in the process but doesn’t stop his revenge. He orders for a play to be presented to the royal court, including his uncle and his mother. This play is supposed to simulate his fathers death and he wants to see how the king reacts to the play. This is where he realizes that the ghost was telling the truth. Claudius then figures out that Hamlet has been suspicious and decides to send him to England to be killed. While speaking to his mother, Hamlet hears someone spying on them and kills his loves father, Polonius. This was the beginning of the tragedy. Hamlet has a moment to kill Claudius before he leaves for England but questions himself and his actions. He then leaves only to return after finding a letter of his execution and being “attacked” by pirates. Claudius and Polonius’s son, Laertes, have come up with a plan to kill Hamlet when he arrives. They are going to challenge him in a fencing battle with poison at the end of the sword. If this plan fails, they will have poisoned wine for Hamlet to drink.…
When it comes to morality, what is right and wrong based on a person’s personal beliefs, the story of Antigone is a great literary reference towards the internal struggles of an individual’s morality. Antigone chose to attribute herself with moral law instead of Creon’s rash and destructive civil law. Antigone felt that no one had the right to decide another’s fate, let alone the fate of someone else’s deceased body. Antigone believed that her brother deserved a proper burial, although he fought against Thebes he still fought for what he believed in and thought was morally just. Many individuals make decisions depending on their moral standings. No one can say what is morally just or unjust besides the individual themselves that ultimately make the final decisions. The reader quickly discovers that the moral beliefs of Antigone and Creon will clash into an epic battle of courage and moral beliefs.…
During the second act, Hamlet finds out that Claudius killed Hamlets father. Hamlet found this out by his father's ghost who was in armor. At first Hamlet could not figure out why this happened or if he could believe…
Hamlet’s hatred toward Claudius generates his aversion of filial duties. Upon his return to Denmark Hamlet learns that his father has been poisoned and has died. His father’s ghost comes to him and demands revenge on Claudius, the true murderer. With his father’s death in his mind, he now plans for revenge. Hamlet finds Claudius kneeling on the floor praying for forgiveness and his plan for revenge comes to mind. The only mentality Hamlet has is that “A villain kills my father, and/ I, his sole son, to this same villain send/ To heaven” there is only vile emotions towards Claudius (3.3.81-83). The only plan is for Claudius’s…
In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, one of the main themes is revenge. Revenge is an powerful weapon which can cause extreme side effects. Throughout the play, several of the characters are compelled to restore family honor and regain pride. Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, wants revenge on his uncle who killed Hamlet’s father and Laertes wants to avenge his father and his sister by enacting revenge upon Hamlet. Each character in hamlet is driven by the desire to get revenge.…
In the beginning of the play Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet, is murdered. Hamlet is told by his father’s ghost that Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle, is the one who murdered him. After getting this news, he immediately wants to avenge his father’s death and get back at Claudius.…
In the William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet the Prince of Denmark is plotting to kill his uncle, who is the king because he poisoned his father, the previous king. The theme of the play is revenge and the protagonist, Hamlet is characterized as being fully devoted to avenging his father, no matter the cost. After two months of mourning for his dead father, Hamlet encounters his father’s ghost, who tells him that it was his brother, King Claudius who killed him. Hamlet then promises his father that he will get revenge on Claudius however, his inability to act prolongs Claudius’s death. Hamlet must first find out if it was actually his father’s ghost and not Satan trying to trick him so he modifies a play that shows a similarity to the murder of Hamlet’s father at the hand of Claudius. Claudius leaves before the play before it ends and berates himself for the murder, “Oh, my offence is rank, it smells to heaven. It has the eldest primal curse on it, a brother’s murder.” Therefore, Claudius will pay the price for killing Hamlet’s father by losing his throne, his wife, and even his own life. Hamlet will also pay greatly for avenging his father. He will lose Ophelia, the woman he loves who drownes herself after her father, Polonius is killed by Hamlet who thought it was Claudius. He will lose his mother, Gertrude who drinks wine that was poisoned by Claudius and intended for Hamlet. Hamlet will also lose his own life after being stabbed with a poisoned sword by Larates in a fencing duel, who was seeking…
The question of how far the Ghost persuades Hamelt into action hinges almost entirely on whether the audience agree that revenge is indeed the primary function of the play. Although this seems to be the case, an argument can also be made that it is Hamlet’s journey to taking action that is the important part of the story, not the simple action of taking revenge. It also depends on whether the audience sees a desire in Hamlet to seek revenge even before the Ghost shares the story of his murder; and to this end whether the Ghost is simply a manifestation of Hamlet’s subconscious, persuading him to take an action he has already decided on.…
Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, is the hero of Shakespeare’s play. The play begins focused on death, namely the death of Hamlet’s father. Seeking vengeance, Hamlet is fortunate to have an aid who happens to be the ghost of his father. He discovers that his mother’s new husband, his uncle Claudius, had killed his father in order to marry his mother Gertrude, and become crowned King. Infuriated, Hamlet murders a man behind the curtain thinking he had avenged his father’s death. Unfortunately the man he murdered was…
In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Claudius, the new King of Denmark, is portrayed as a conniving and manipulative antagonist who will stop at nothing to maintain his unrighteous stature. In the events of solving the death of King Hamlet, Claudius does his part in keeping the murderer from being revealed and in many attempts tries his hardest to keep young Hamlet from discovering the truth. Although their relationship, for the most part, is static, both Claudius and Hamlet are dynamic characters. Claudius’ increasing fear of Hamlet ultimately leads to the death of Hamlet and himself.…
Claudius has become Hamlets new father after his dad was murdered. Little did Hamlet know that his father was murdered by his own brother. When the ghost of king Hamlet returned Hamlet found out how his father was murdered, and by whom he was murdered. Hamlet is angry, and confused. Claudius is one of the main causes to Hamlets madness because if he hadn’t killed king Hamlet…
In Shakespear’s Hamlet, a theme of revenge is shown throughout the play in which each character seeks out differently. The two polar opposites being Prince Hamlet and Prince Fortinbras are often discussed due to their different methods of action or in Hamlet’s case, no action. Assuming one has read the play, in the end, we are left with Hamlet’s dying wish for Fortinbras to be King. Because there is not anyone left to take the throne, the audience is expected to accept the fact that Fortinbras will be king and everything will be okay. The play has no conclusion; therefore, the future of Denmark is left to the audience’s imagination. The simplest argument is that because Fortinbras is a man of action, one assumes he will make a great king despite…
The truth of the death of his father becomes known to Hamlet when his father’s ghost appears to him, explaining that he was murdered with poison at the hand of his own brother, Hamlets uncle. This method of death by poisoning foreshadows the death of the main characters later in the play. Prince Hamlet then devotes himself to avenging his father’s death, but delays the physical death of his uncle in order to torture him psychologically. The people involved enter into a deep melancholy and madness as Hamlet lets go of his closest relationships, judging family and friends for their disrespect toward his dead father. Hamlet psychologically tortures his uncle by arranging for a play named “Mouse Trap.” Hamlet plans it so that it parallels his father’s death, in an effort to witness Claudius’, Hamlet’s uncle’s, reaction. Claudius goes through physiological distress as he begins to wonder if Hamlet knows the truth behind the death of his father. Claudius then runs out of the theatre in order to pray for forgiveness. Hamlet follows and begins to draw his sword as this becomes the ideal moment to enact justice onto his uncle. However, Hamlet takes notice that Claudius killed his father while his father’s sins were unforgiven. King Hamlet had no time to repent due to the fact of his murder and was left to the divine to judge him. Hamlet decided to kill Claudius another time, perhaps when the…
Hamlet is a unique character who was unsure of himself and what he had to do. He fought to think clearly on how he could prove that Claudius was the killer of his…