Even though they are two different time periods and places, Ancient Mesopotamia and 1900s Mississippi had very strict laws that were unfair to people of certain classes or colors. Both the Code of Hammurabi of Ancient Mesopotamia and the Jim Crows of Mississippi were similar in that they were very harsh and had extreme punishments. These punishments were used differently …show more content…
“If a man destroyed the eye of a man of the “gentlemen” class, they shall destroy his eye.” This was unfair, because if somebody did something bad to another person they would pay for their wrongdoing even if the incident was not purposeful. Two wrongs don’t make a right. “If he has destroyed the eye of a commoner or broken the bone of a commoner, he shall pay one shekel of silver.” This law is unfair for the reason that just because these people are commoners they don’t get justice for what happened to them, unlike somebody who belonged to the gentlemen class. In Let the Circle be Unbroken there are laws that are similar to this but, instead of targeting the classes, they target and make laws according to people’s race. For example, “That water in there and them toilets, they belong to the white folks, and the white folks don’t want no colored folks using neither one.” This shows just how unfair for black people it was during this time. It also shows how they couldn’t even do a simple task like wash their hands in a public bathroom, for the reason that they were black instead of being white which was the “better”