The Han dynasty was proud of the efficiency of their technology and their ability to prevent natural disasters. The Romans marveled at their technological advancements, but didn’t think it was very enlightening when it came to craft.
The Han dynasty appreciated technology and felt like it was the government’s responsibility to make sure that technology was provided. During the early 2nd century B.C.E, a Han government official wrote to the local officials, organizing a team in each district to use technology as a way to prevent floods. (Doc 1) The government official is concerned and conveys that technology is essential. A Han government official, Huan Guan, during the 1st century B.C.E, was concerned about the effects that the lack of technology would have on the empire. (Doc 2) This relates back to how government officials …show more content…
are concerned and how technology can be effective. These people paid special attention to the accuracy and efficiency of their technology, along with how it affects all people including peasants.
Both the Han and Roman empire shared a similar passion for technology.
Once Tu Shih was appointed governor of Nanyang, he saved labor by inventing a water powered blowing-engine that reduced the amount of work people had to do. (Doc 4) During the 2nd century B.C.E, A Roman political leader, Gaius Gracchus, displayed exuberant attention to making road construction as efficient as possible. (Doc 6) They display similar passion towards technology, how efficient and benefiting it should be. The above examples points to the fact that technology was a serious matter that a lot of people cared about in both the Han and Roman Empires.
The Roman dynasty admired technology, but scorned those who made a living working on crafts. During the 1st century C.E, upper-class Roman philosopher expresses how he does not believe tools made for craft was invented by wise men. (Doc 7) He doesn’t think a wise person would think of inventing a certain tool for craft. In the 1st century C.E, upper-class Roman politician also expresses how nothing about a workshop can be enlightening, along with how degrading it
is. One additional document that would help with the analysis of the attitudes the Han and Roman Empires about technology would be a point of view from lower class civilian, such as a peasant/worker. With this document, there is a wider view of how everyone feels not just the middle and upper class. They might feel differently than the upper class about whether or not it is degrading to work in a workshop.
To conclude, the attitude towards technology in the Han and Roman empire were similar to a certain extent. They both appreciated technology and its efficiency, but they did think about it differently. Han felt like it was the government’s role to provide technology and Roman found it degrading if anyone worked in a workshop, creating with tools and craft, Overall, technology was a serious matter to them.