Once Hanbing Li graduated, majoring in arts and crafts at a university in China in 1989, he began experimenting with a fishbones in his work. "Since childhood I've felt the bones of fish has a beautiful shape and it gives a lot of inspiration to me. If examined for a long, the shaped like ancient calligraphy brush strokes. Quite primitive and elegant,
"he said. According to Li Hanbing, he supplied the rest of the fishbones from street stalls, restaurants, hotels, and fish processing plants. He is also willing to spend to buy fish species unique to get an attractive fishbones shape. "Early involvement in this field of art, I collect fishbones from the rest of the daily diet. Eventually, I got a supply of fishbones for free from the supplier, "he said.
Elaborating further, Hanbing tell, in advance he would clean the fish bones before curing using a mixture of several different types of chemicals. "Next, the fish bones are dried for several days before being stored. To produce a work, I will compile the desired fishbones on a piece of painted canvas ready, "he said.
Hanbing explains, writing Chinese characters is actually derived from the shells and bones of turtles, which then develops into an embryo form that called Da Zhuan. “Da Zhuan includes many strokes of writing and is often equated with the bones found in the belly of the fish, "he says. The picture below is an example of drawing by fishbones. The message to be conveyed in this artwork that carry a message of China's population consternation when the country was emerging as one of the world's major powers in the future. He believes that every work of art that is produced has its own meaning and message to be conveyed to the audience.