Hand outs
CD( interactive hand therapy)
Deep layer- skeletal
Next layer- muscular attachment
Next layer- articular surface
Next layer- collateral ligament
Plates volar ( palmar ligaments) prevent hyper extension
Check rein ligament ( they emerge from the lateral borders of the plate and pass prox into the middle of the phalangeal neck
Lateral tendon- from your lumbricals and interosseus
Flexor digitorium profundus
Flexor digitorious superficials
Second lumbrical
Possible test question
A 1 ( annular ) pulley of the flexor tendon sheath and there
A2- proximal phalanx
A4- middle third of the middle phalanx a5- distal interphalangeal joint
Keeps bow stringing …show more content…
Prevents excessive volvar sub laxation of the conjoined lateral bands with flexion of the middle phalanx
Zone 2 extensor tendon injury, which results mallet finger deformity
Dorsal digital nerves- arise from the superficial branch of the radial nerve and the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerves
Palmar interosseus( between the bones)
Abductor ( 2 heads- transverse and oblique head)
Volar plate (MP joint)
First dorsal interosseus - deep ulnar nerve injury, these muscles would be affected
3 volar interossei adduct the fingers
Function of the lumbricals( …show more content…
What will happen of a person doesn't have innervation
- no impulse transmitted, the impulse isn't being received
- loss of sensation
Peripheral nerve lesion
- hands will be dry when you palpate
- immobilized in bed due to lower limb injury
- atrophy first and recover last- quads
- with hands recovery occurs sequentially in the reverse order
Sensory deficit with carpal tunnel syndrome
- 2 point discrimination
Read about degeneration of a nerve
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Test question
Effects of nerve lesion
- motor- muscle paralysis, loss of tone and reflexes, atrophy deformities
- sensory- loss of cutaneous( pain, touch, temp) and propioceptive sensation
- autonomic- changes in circulation and nutrition - hair follicle deformity nails become ridged and pulp in size, loss of sweating- dry
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Clinical examination
- motor signs
- sensory sign
- sudomotor signs( observation)- palpation
-Vasomotor signs- capillary refil- palpation
- reflexes
- recovery signs- tinel sign
Confirm a nerve lesion
-manual muscle testing
- ET
Functional implication of median nerve lesion
- compression
Ulna- hupothenar
Radial- hyperthenar
Likely prognosis- neuropraxia etc and