Offred lived a normal, American life when all of the sudden, her family was taken from her so she could go have somebody else’s baby. The Handmaid’s Tale is about a woman’s tale of her life, her story, and her struggles in a new society and how she got there. This story by Margaret Atwood tells the life of Offred, a handmaid for a wealthy couple and her daily struggles trying to adapt to her new world. Offred tells how she makes deals with her Commander and his Wife with hope of getting out and how that changes her life. The progress in this book is not as one would probably describe progress, but it is as follows: the government and society had to make major changes in order to bring about the new system and laws, Gilead is thinking of and executing ways to raise the birthrate in their country, and handmaids and women in general are protected at all costs.…
The author offers that Handmaids Tale, “Atwood’s novels became part of a new wave of fiction writing by feminist who wrote both to entertain and to dramatize the plight of women.” He goes on about all the contributing factors that inspired the new fiction writing. He covers the plot and gives quotes from the book specifically from the women and their perceptions. He goes on to explain the different categories of women and their roles. The confinement and objectification of women are evident in the analysis. Government and religion are discussed in great detail and their part in Gilead societies. The religion influences the government entirely and women pay the price. Rape is discussed is perceived as being provoked that women ask for it. The…
Author Margaret Atwood’s writing has been shaped by one particular movement- the push for women’s rights in the 1960s and 1970s. When Atwood was a college student, “a woman was expected to follow one path: to marry in her early 20s, start a family quickly, and devote her life to homemaking” (“The 1960s-70s”). Employers assumed that the females who did work would soon become pregnant, so ladies were unlikely to advance in their careers. What money they did earn was controlled by their husbands, or their male wardens, as females are legally subject to them. With the development of the birth control pill a few years later, women could now chase professional careers and “the double standard that allowed premarital sex for men but prohibited…
Quote- “My heart racing, I drive fast on the paved town roads, heading for the colored part of town. I’ve never even sat at the same table with a Negro who wasn’t paid to do so. The interview has been delayed by over a month.”(167)…
Atwood has always enjoyed writing Sci fi novels. The feminist and environmental views stemmed great from Atwood’s own personal advocacy of such things (Atwood, Interview by Rosenburg).…
Feuer, Lois. "The calculus of love and nightmare: 'The Handmaid 's Tale ' and the dystopian…
Type 1: The clitoris is held between the thumb and the index finger and amputated with one stroke of a sharp blade. Type 2: Then the labia minora and the labia majora are lacerated. Type 3: Finally, the remaining tissue is sewn, leaving a 2-3 mm hole where a twig can be inserted for urine and menstrual fluid. Tie the legs from hip to ankle together for 6 weeks in order to help the tissue bond. No anesthesia is to be used. Hygiene need not be taken into consideration. Side effects include bleeding, tetanus along with other infections, painful sexual intercourse, long delays during childbirth, and death. Psychological effects such as depression, anxiety and PTSD are also common in the women who undergo this procedure.…
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood depicts a dystopian society where the United States has been taken over by a monotheocracy and transformed into the country of Gilead. The majority of the woman in this society have been split into three basic categories: Wives, Marthas, and Handmaids. There are also Econowives, Aunts, and Unwomen. The main character, Offred, is a Handmaid. The Handmaids’ sole purpose in this society is to provide babies for powerful households where the wives are deemed infertile. Throughout the novel a struggle can be sensed between most of the women. In The Handmaid's Tale, Atwood demonstrates the way that oppressors will use tension between minoritized groups to distract from their oppression.…
Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale is a disturbing novel that displays the presence and manipulation of power. This is displayed throughout the novel and is represented significantly in three ways. As the book takes place in the republic of Gilead, the elite in society are placed above every other individual who are not included in their level. Secondly, men are placed at the top of the chain and they significantly overpower women in the society (elite or not). Finally the individuals within the elite society also overpower each other and have their own separate roles. This can be interpreted as a chain. Men of the elite are placed at the top, the men who less elite are placed after then comes the women who are at the bottom. This distinguishes the ‘level’ of authority each group has which evidently shows the corruption in the structure of the society.…
Society can both be really great and progress forward, but at times society can turn for the worst and progress backwards. In Margaret Atwood’s Fictional book the Handmaid’s Tale. The main character Offred in the Republic of Gilead as a handmaid. In the book the purpose of a handmaid is to reproduce and bear children for older, wealthier men whose wives cannot have children. In addition to being a handmaid Offred and all the women of Gilead are not allowed to read, write, not own money, or dress immodest, men however have more power being able to read, write and are able to have their own money.…
Jeremy Bentham, a british utilitarian reformer, once wrote that the object of good government was to create the greatest happiness for the greatest number. In the books Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, The Giver by Lois Lowry, and The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, the government's use all of their power to achieve this goal. They control almost every aspect of their citizens lives in order to create their perfect version of control, happiness and sameness. They are able to control what the people wear, how they treat each other, their social and physical habits, among many other things. However, through attempts to control the citizens’ emotional freedom, they eliminate individuality - which ultimately results in an unsustainable state.…
Offred is a Handmaid, the handmaid is where the women have to have sexual activities with the commander regularly because there's very few kids in the Republic of Gilead, very few women can have kids and are chosen to move in with the commander to make the commander’s wife happy with a child. Although Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale shows gender rules throughout the book this is symbolized through the handmaid’s lifestyle, particularly how they have to act in front of the commander.…
Life could change in a blink of an eye. The everyday things you have grown accustomed to gone in a flash. As a woman in the story, A Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, women are discriminated against. The U.S. Government gets taken over and corruption occurs. Men are considered a dominant race and women are treated like sex slaves and baby makers. All of the luxuries of money, jobs, clothing, and freedom that women had were thrown away in an instant because of the government takeover. This story details how corruption of government completely changed the way women would function in society. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, discrimination is defined as the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people. A Handmaid’s Tale made women inferior and there are some that felt this was ok. It put women back where they were in the old days and the idea put women “in their place.” Atwood’s ideas of changing a woman’s identity to the colors of clothing, the views of sexuality and how women are used for their wombs only, and the disappearance of many basic freedoms that women had become accustomed to in Western Civilization are completely asinine and would never happen in the world today.…
Founded in 1984, the Haier Group has been dedicated to innovation and creating a world famous brand over the past 26 years. Originally a small collective plant on the verge of bankruptcy, it has now grown into an international group which has more than 70,000 employees around the globe and realizes a turnover of 135.7 billion yuan in 2010. Haier has risen to be the world's No.1 brand of consumer appliances. In addition, it was selected as one of the world's Top 10 innovative companies issued by USA Newsweek's website.…
Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale, is an eerie example of a “dystopian” novel. A dystopian novel portrays a terrifying picture of a world which makes the reader say, “what if?” Atwood wrote the novel in the 1980’s following the free-spirited, fun-loving period of the 60’s and 70’s. The plot, characters, themes, symbolism and setting of the novel display a picture of what the future world could be like if women’s rights were completely removed.…