In terms of responsibility, as colonial officers, all of the characters perform their jobs in an impersonal way. In the morning, the jailers prepare the routine execution for their prisoners who are kept in "animal cages." As the officers follow the directions to execute a Hindu prisoner, who has barely a motive to live, they treat the prisoner in such a way it shows that they do not care about his feelings. Two tall Indian warders surround the puny prisoner and bring him to the gallows. To emphasize the importance of getting the job done and moving to the next responsibility, the head jailer shouts, "Well quick march, then. The prisoners can 't get their breakfast till this job 's over" (Orwell "A Hanging" 1216). The head jailer demonstrates that the prisoner is only an object to be eliminated, and it is his duty to execute on time and to manage other prisoners. When it is about time for the execution, the prisoner calls "his god" loudly: "Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram!" All who are present, as well as the narrator, desire to stop the sound by executing the prisoner promptly because, not only does the sound annoy them, but they also want to finish the job. After the routine execution, the officers chat, joke, laugh and
Cited: Orwell, George. "A Hanging." Literature for Compostion. Seventh Edition. Ed. Silvan Barnet, William Burto, William E. Cain. New York: Pearson Longman, 2005. 1215-1218 - - -. "Shooting an elephant." Online-Literature. The Literature Network. 27 Oct. 2005 .