Hanna Rosin, in her essay, “The Touch-Screen Generation”, gives an example of a well-engineered popular television show, Nick Jr’s, Blues Clues. Rosin speaks about the “pause” effect. The “pause” effect is when you pause for a few seconds, then allow the child to respond to the question asked. The “pause” effect allows the child to feel as if he or she is helping, by solving the question. The “pause” effect can be incorporate with iPad apps. The adult can download an app based on the child’s level of recognition. This …show more content…
By the time a child enters pre-k, he or she may have the upper hand on identifying shapes and colors. Shyness may be limited and more willing to engage in the classroom activities. Test scores may be slightly higher than other students may. In the column, “IPad Changes the Way Teachers Teach and Students Learn.”. “Montlieu Academy of Technology, in High Point, North Carolina, the first year of the IPad use at this Title One Pre-k through fifth, school resulted in a jumped off nearly thirteen percent to seventy-two point one percent in the end of grade composite test scores that include reading, math, and science. Scores also improved by nearly twenty- nine percent in science, which the principal says is also because of the iPad