I could go into the long, boring, scientific explanation by telling you that happiness happens when there are certain levels of chemicals in our brains triggering a response in our nervous system making us “happy”. Seriously, though. Are …show more content…
The new car you just got or a new phone, yacht or 3 story house, these things are just “status symbols” they are not the equivalent to happy feelings. We’ve all heard it before, “Happiness comes from within”, we actually just talked about it. Yes, those words are true, but the truth is people will always try to find happiness outside of themselves. They look for someone or something, a dramatic event or milestone to bring them happiness. Yes, these things may make others believe someone is happy or even cause temporary happiness, but truth be known, people come and go, the new job may not work out, marriages work and fail, items get old, relationships change because everything changes. These things do not cause long term happiness or guarantee a happy life. The cliched phrase “money doesn't buy happiness” comes to mind, because it’s true. It’s those little tiny things that make the picture. So no. Happiness doesn’t come from money or fame. So if happiness doesn’t come from money, where does it come from? Happiness can be found in the oddest of places. In gratitude, a kept promise, a good conversation, in love, an achieved goal, a fond memory, in friendships . Happiness is everywhere and yet people have such a hard time finding it. Happiness is where we find it, but rarely where we looked for