According to Shawn we can reprogram our brains to become more positive in order to gain a competitive edge at work and create more success, happiness and reward in our lives.
The three greatest predictors of happiness are optimism (the belief your behavior will eventually matter), social connection, and how we perceive stress (as a challenge or as a threat). If we want to raise happiness we need to make both mindset and behavior shifts.
The five key steps that we can take each day to increase our experience of happiness are:
1) Bring gratitude to mind: Gratitude is one of the most powerful medications for alleviating depression and sadness in our lives. If someone is grateful for what they have, they're not worried about what they don’t have. They are not thinking about what other people …show more content…
2) Journal: Keeping a journal helps us be able to reflect back on what was happening in the past. By focusing on positives I attracted them to me by my actions, my body language and finally even with my every day speech and, of course, where it had started, with my writing. My journal tracks my exercise habits and meals (which I use to keep up with my grocery list) and even my moods.
3) Meditate (5-10 minutes): ) Meditation is an ancient tradition that has a big positive impact on our minds and bodies. Meditation, for me, is simply taking a moment and focusing on the simple and easy things in life. I’m usually going to a quiet place, close my eyes, and for 10 seconds focus only on whether you are breathing in or breathing out. After this, 10 minutes, simple step I’m able to better focus on the things on hand, put things in perspective, organize things in your mind, and be more productive throughout the day.
4) Exercise (20 minutes): Exercise really does make me happier. I have an existing workout routine. My strategy for reducing stress and improving mood is exercise. I try to be active 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a