Good ______ Mr Yuen, Ms. Stillo, and fellow classmates. As you can tell, I will be talking to you about happiness.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, happiness means “feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life or situation.” This isn’t what I thought happiness meant to me. Well then, what is happiness? What is this thing that unites people no matter what their skintone, no matter what their age, no matter what their sex, no matter what their religion, what is it? I personally think that even though there is a legal definition for what happiness is, everyone has a different opinion of what happiness means to them. For example, happiness to me is being surrounded by loved ones. Happiness can be love, success, and maybe even independence. After researching more about this topic, this is what I found out. 1 in every 2 students report feeling depressed. 19% of college students contemplate suicide because of major depression. Approximately 9.5%, that is 18.8 million adults suffer from depression. At least 4% (that’s over a million) of preschoolers are “clinically depressed”. How is a preschooler, someone who barely understands the concept of life, depressed? I don’t understand this myself! And why does it seem so hard for you to create happiness? Well, if you think about it, you can create happiness at any moment, with just a smile. Here’s an example, you just failed a test. There are many