This year Riga Business School decided that they would provide students with electronic books instead of hard copy ones. The decision about the books occurred because hard copy books are too expensive. The decision implemented because administration think that this generation students prefer to read everything on the Internet. However, Riga Business school students prefer to read printed books not only because it is easier to remember the text and stay focused, but also because book adds a preference to keep them in hands that is still important for people around the age 18-21.
Nowadays the development of the Internet had led us to E-mail, e- shopping, e- banking, e-commerce, e-government, e-signatures and e-learning, etc. E-books have the faster growing reader/user population. This is a book format that most of us have heard and used a lot lately because of the widespread use of information technologies. E-books can be read through lots of different technology tools such as iphones, Blackberry, ipads, computer, Iriver eBook Reader, Oblio E-Book Plus, etc. Everything is so Internet based that even the majority of Internet users (students) need some time off during the day.
Surveying Riga Business school second year students, I found out that more than a half (61%) of the students admitted that they prefer to read printed books instead of the electronic ones. By reading a hard copy book it is easier to remember the information written and they also helps to keep the visual memory. A lot of the students claimed that they feel that they are in learning process when they are holding the book in their hands, which helps them to set their mind in the right direction and observe all the necessary information.
The generation, in which the person in born, also influences the decision of reading a paper based book or an e-book. According to Kakırman Yıldız (2012); three generations describe the digital process;
Cited: Duran, E. (2013). Investigation on views and attitudes of students in Faculty of Education about reading and writing on screen. Educational Research and Review, Vol. 8 (5), 203-211, March 2013. Kakırman Yıldız, A. (2012). Dijital yerliler gerçekten yerli mi yoksa dijital melez mi?, International Journal of Social Science, V. 5, Issue 7, 819-833, December 2012. Retrieved from d%C4%B1zasiyekak%C4%B1rman_819-833.pdf Koster, Olinka. Why using a computer can cause depression. Daily Mail. Retrieved from