In the story of "Little Red Riding Hood," a young girl is greeted by a wolf in the forest. She stops to talk with the wolf and tells him that she is on her way to visit her grandmother.…
For my Rhetoric-In-Practice (RIP), I decided to write fracture fairy tales on "Hansel and Gretel", "The Little Red Riding Hood" and "The Ugly Duckling". I take upon the role of Rory Madden, an experienced children's author promoting his newest book The Modernize Collection of Fairy Tales on his website. In my book, each fairy tale is revamped to target a modern audience and to address a specific issue with children and modern technology. My collection of fairy tales targets two audiences, my primary audience is third and fourth graders; meanwhile, my secondary audience is parents.…
Fairy Tales have been continuously changing through history based on social norms and ideologies of the author on how society should be. Ever since the first written version released by Charles Perrault, Little Red Riding Hood has been remanufactured time and time again to fit the cultural views of the society it was created in. Not only do these different versions display the social norms of the audience it was created for, but also to challenge and critique the social constructs that are in place. Fairy tales all come with messages that impact the reader in some way, whether it teaches you lessons on how to behave, or shine light on problems that need to be addressed. Thesis: In “The False Grandmother”, Italo Calvino challenges the hegemonic…
In most English classes, stories are interpreted through a LITERARY PERSPECTIVE. By analyzing literary elements like mood, tone, imagery, etc., we come to understand the author’s purpose for writing. We also come to understand the universal meaning of the text.…
Throughout Literature the role and position of women has been constantly one of debate and controversy. For centuries women have struggled to exert any power or individual identity through times of male dominance. The novel The Great Gatsby as well as the play A Streetcar Named Desire and lastly the poetry of Anne Sexton, were all written during the 20th Century in America. Throughout the 20th Century, attitudes towards women in the USA were changing, the war had given an opportunity for women to realize and prove that they could look after the household without men. This called for much debate about the rights and roles of women which carried on throughout the 20th Century and inspired many of the characters and themes within Literature. In all three texts interactions between men and women are explored and represented in different ways. Each painting pictures of women whose compliance and submissiveness have resulted in their portrayal of being male dominated victims of society’s double standards.…
Every so often, there comes a story so popular that it survives many decades and is common in many cultures. Growing up here in America, I was always told the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Because of the way American structure is set up, the story in this culture teaches the people told the story a lesson as well as has a happy ending. The American story of “Little Red Riding Hood” isn’t the only version of this story. As previously mentioned, there are stories that survive many decades and last through many cultures; this is one of them. However, they all have different names. There are also: Little Red Cap, Little Red Hood, The Grandmother, The True History of Little Golden Hood, Grandmother’s Nose, and Little Red Hat. These stories come from many different areas such as Germany, Poland, Italy, Austria, and France, and they have many different authors. There are two things that do stay the same throughout every retelling of this story, the characters and idea. There is always a little girl, her grandmother, her mother, and the wolf. Additionally, in every retelling, it involves the little girl having to go to her grandmother’s house to deliver something to her. However, the actions taken by the characters and their personalities change in every telling of the story. Although every version of Little Red Riding Hood has a similar idea, the characterization and moral of the story alters based upon what time period and location it was written in because of the influences of the country of origin’s stereotypes, ideals, and…
Thesis: “Snow White is full of rigid gender stereotypes; we deserve a fresh re-telling of this story which makes the protagonist a full being, an active agent with volition, and a complex person rather than a passive, child-like toy of witches and brave princes.”…
The female perspective is a critical element that has been persistently neglected throughout cultures due to the prevalence of the patriarchy. This has meant that literature itself manifests as a male institution, shaped by men 's minds and voices who view the female experience as trivial and unworthy of consideration. Therefore, being unable to express their own perspectives and discriminated against in their writings, women are a marginalized group. But, in their portrayal, are they truly victims of a patriarchal society? Certainly Sylvia Plath 's Daddy (1962) paints a despairing picture of suppression and inner anguish, a woman driven mad by the men in her life - though is this really the case? For Ania Walwicz challenges this concept of a helpless damsel in distress by subverting the traditional fairytale in Little Red Riding Hood (1982), thus undermining masculine values about women and their sexuality. Through the examination of these two texts, the extent of women 's victimization by a patriarchal society can be determined.…
I decided to rewrite the story of “Little Red Riding Hood” because it seemed very fitting in relation to my topic of rape. In the story, Little Red is tricked by a wolf into taking off her red hood that protects her from wolves. She is then attacked by the wolf, and afterwards she runs to the village begging for help. Unfortunately no one will help her; they give the responses countless give to victims of sexual assault, and so Little Red cries. Then a hunter decides to help her and teaches her how to defend herself, they kill the wolf and Little Red is never a victim again. However, unlike this story, most rape victims never receive a happy ending, and never receive justice.…
Carter herself says that ‘All the mythic versions of women, from the myth of the redeeming purity of the virgin to that of the healing reconciling mother, are consolatory nonsense.’ It is clear that Carter believes in the reinvention of the typical woman - however she does not believe in the retelling of these stories, but rather 'to extract the latent content from the traditional stories and to use it as the beginnings of new stories'. The Company of Wolves converts the classic character of Perrault’s Little Red Riding Hood from a naïve, gullible and helpless young girl to a ‘strong-minded child’ who has an awareness of the world around her while possessing the innocence and purity of a young woman also.…
Aunt Martha, Linda’s maternal grandmother, is described as a strong-willed, resourceful woman, who begins baking in order to earn money to buy her children’s freedom.…
The Grimm Brothers even included and alternate happy ending in which the grandmother devises a plan to trick and kill the wolf. EXPOUND ON GRIMMS VERSION COMPARTIVLY. Alternatively, in Perrault’s version of Little Red Riding Hood, she is gobbled up by the wolf and never to be heard from again. Perrault’s version of the tale is the one that seems most pervasive throughout the centuries, and although the general moral of the story may seem simple, the complex and sometime convoluted symbolism of Perrault’s “original” version cannot be ignored. As noted by Heidi Anne Heiner in her notes in “Annotations For Little Red Riding Hood”, the color red “is a sexually vibrant and suggestive color…Perrault introduced the color red to the tale when he first wrote it.” Heiner also notes that Little Red Riding Hood’s hood is considered to “symbolize menstruation and the approaching puberty of the young character who wears it.” Heiner notes that the other major character in the tale, the Wolf, “is often a metaphor for a sexually predatory…
Little Red Riding Hood is a short story told to children around the world to be careful about everything you do. She really didn’t make too many decisions throughout the story, but the few that she did make were quite different from Goldilock’s.…
Overall, feminist critics search for faux pas in texts that portray the male perspective as the literary model while that of the females as a discrepancy. In addition, they question social interactions between characters that position females as…
In the beginning, a “sweet little girl” is given a red hood by her grandmother. The hood, covering her head, symbolizes her youth. However the bold red color implies that this young girl is soon to transition through adolescence, as the color red also symbolizes seduction or maybe even menstruation-- which is a significant factor of becoming a woman. As the girl goes to visit her grandmother, she delivers a cake and a bottle of wine. A bottle of wine can be viewed as a phallic symbol, which plays a role later when she gives the bottle of wine to the wolf, who is disguised as her grandmother. Secondly, the setting of the story, the woods/forest is another major symbol of danger and female purity. Little Red Riding Hood is traveling through the woods which symbolizes two things: danger and female purity. The wolf represents the danger because he is a threat to the girl and to her grandmother. Female purity is…