It is often the most limiting nutrient for cereal grain production and represents one of the highest input costs ($847/ton anhydrous ammonia and $592/ton Urea) in agricultural systems (Nehring, 2013). Nitrogen use efficiency is very low (30-50%) in cereal crops, indicating that much of the nitrogen is lost from gaseous plant emission, soil de-nitrification, surface runoff, volatilization, and leaching (Frink et al., 1999; Mullen et al., 2003; Fageria and Baligar, 2005). Loss of nitrogen causes unnecessary cost of nitrogen application to the farmers as well as negative environmental impacts especially ground water pollution. Nitrogen application in wheat increases grain yield (Caviglia and Sadras, 2001). Altman et al., (1983) found 3% and 8% increased in yield due to the application of nitrogen over the control in two environments at Pendleton, Oregon. The timing of nitrogen application is also one of the critical factors affecting yield. Appropriate management i.e. rate and timing of application of nitrogen is essential to obtain higher yield in wheat production (Blankenau et al., 2002; Cui et al., 2010; Abedi et al., 2011). For the better yield of wheat, it is essential to get enough amount of nitrogen, when crop response is expected to be high (Mullen et al., 2003). Each variety plays a significant role in the nitrogen uptake (Dhugga and Waines, 1989; Ortiz-Monasterio R. et al., 1997). Hergert and Shaver (2009) recommended the optimum nitrogen rate of 112.1 kg ha-1 (100 lbs. acre-1) for dryland and 168.1 kg ha-1 (150 lbs. acre-1) in irrigated areas for winter wheat cultivars of
It is often the most limiting nutrient for cereal grain production and represents one of the highest input costs ($847/ton anhydrous ammonia and $592/ton Urea) in agricultural systems (Nehring, 2013). Nitrogen use efficiency is very low (30-50%) in cereal crops, indicating that much of the nitrogen is lost from gaseous plant emission, soil de-nitrification, surface runoff, volatilization, and leaching (Frink et al., 1999; Mullen et al., 2003; Fageria and Baligar, 2005). Loss of nitrogen causes unnecessary cost of nitrogen application to the farmers as well as negative environmental impacts especially ground water pollution. Nitrogen application in wheat increases grain yield (Caviglia and Sadras, 2001). Altman et al., (1983) found 3% and 8% increased in yield due to the application of nitrogen over the control in two environments at Pendleton, Oregon. The timing of nitrogen application is also one of the critical factors affecting yield. Appropriate management i.e. rate and timing of application of nitrogen is essential to obtain higher yield in wheat production (Blankenau et al., 2002; Cui et al., 2010; Abedi et al., 2011). For the better yield of wheat, it is essential to get enough amount of nitrogen, when crop response is expected to be high (Mullen et al., 2003). Each variety plays a significant role in the nitrogen uptake (Dhugga and Waines, 1989; Ortiz-Monasterio R. et al., 1997). Hergert and Shaver (2009) recommended the optimum nitrogen rate of 112.1 kg ha-1 (100 lbs. acre-1) for dryland and 168.1 kg ha-1 (150 lbs. acre-1) in irrigated areas for winter wheat cultivars of