Practise Assignment
Hard Rock Café
Operations Management in Services
Unit Tutor – Andy Airnes
Contents Page
1.1 Introduction
The Hard Rock Cafe is a well-known, world-wide company that offer customers a very unique experience when they visit one of their stores. From the minute they enter to the minute they leave they are bombarded with different attractions from the memorabilia to their high quality food and drink menus. Through this assignment the 10 decisions of operations management will be discussed in relation to the Hard Rock Café, The kitchen staff and waiting on staff productivity and also how the 10 operations would vary from The Hard Rock Café to a Ford Motor Company.
2.1 The 10 Decisions of Operations Management
Throughout Operations Management there are 10 main decisions, each company has to take into consideration if they want to be a successful company. These decisions are both strategic and tactic decisions. These decisions are listed below:
i. Design of Goods and Services ii. Managing Quality iii. Process Strategy iv. Location Strategies
v. Layout Strategies vi. Human Resources vii. Supply Chain Management viii. Inventory Management ix. Scheduling
x. Maintenance
To begin with the design of goods and services of The Hard Rock Café applies to the store layout and things are designed for the customers. With The Hard Rock Café its most important factor is customer satisfaction, so everything they do from start to end is designed on making the customer having the best experience possible within that time. The main reason behind this is because if they enjoy themselves they are more likely to come back and also they will tell people about the experience so this is more likely to attract more people if it has good reviews from its
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