1. From your knowledge of restaurants, from the video, from the Global Company Profile that opens this chapter, and from the case itself, identify how each of the 10 decisions of operations management is applied at Hard Rock Café?
Design of Goods and services
Hard Rock Café is providing the customers with an experience of music, rock and roll ambiance as well as good food. This unique experience is not limited to the meals on the menu. They combine the good food with the harmony of their memorabilia and the rock and roll spirit, which makes the experience non-replicable elsewhere.
Managing Quality
Surveys are done on a regular basis to make sure of customer satisfaction. If the result is less than 7 from the scale of 1 to 7 it is considered a failure.
Process and Capacity Design
Every product is designed and tested for cost of ingredients, labor requirement and client satisfaction. Then they are only put on production is the ingredients are available from qualified vendor.
Location strategy:
They narrow down the search from country to city and then to precise street corner. They try to select the right market and go there at the right time.
Layout Strategy
The company designs the kitchen flows for food preparation and the bar layout for the maximum revenue. Every piece of experience strategy including memorabilia, music and visuals takes on a new significance
Human Resources and job design:
The company seeks people who are love music and enjoy serving and share the experience to visitors. They train and support the employees and help them develop as contributors to their community.
Supply Chain management:
They buy their ingredients based on market analysis and from qualified suppliers. The supply chain process is designed to yield a quality meal.
Inventory, MRP, JIT:
The inventory includes food and merchandise as well as $40M of Rock and Roll memorabilia which most of them are on the walls of its cafes around the world. Their