Dr. Clark
Comp II
February 8, 2013
“Hard work pays off” As of today, in this generation single parents homes have increased drastically. Being a single parent is a hard thing to do, even if we have two jobs or getting some kind of government assistance. With the world population elevating higher and higher, the cost of living is shooting through the roof. Living in a society like this, you may never know what downfall single parents may have. Hopefully the world would stop and think about how many struggling parents live on this earth. Single mothers have to strive harder in life and achieve more than a woman with no kids. Providing for you and the child financially is a very hard thing to do. Having a steady income can help and also getting help from family members also. As being a single mother you have to supply the baby with clothes, milk, wipes, shoes, and much more. Looking at the story about my friend Aniyah having her son name Jayden she had a lot of trouble in providing financially. She was a single mother without having her baby father in the picture. She has not asked him for anything because he did not come around at all. She began to apply for government assistance to help her and it barely met her needs to help the both of them. The reason it barely met their needs is because the government looks at how much you make and your family makes if you live with them. She decided to look online at a baby calculator to see how much it would cost a year and until he is eighteen.
A hard thing for a mother to do is teach a boy how to be a man. As being a single mother we can teach our son the basic things he needs to know to survive. We teach them how to cook, clean, treat people with respect, be a gentleman, manage money, and get a good education. It’s hard to teach a child when you are doing all the work by yourself having to work and try to get a degree in college and also come home and try to be a teacher to him as well. But if you don’t have time you have to stop doing what you are doing and make time to teach a son the principles of living with teaching him the basic he can achieve in life. Without a man teaching the little boy how to be a man by playing sports with him, having man talks, and giving that loving father bond.
A main thing that a boy needs is a good male role model. He needs someone who cares about his future and his well-being. There is nothing in the world better than love from a father. In my opinion, I feel that if a single parent has a son they should put him in the brothers to brother’s organization. It is a lot better if your son has a role model because if not the boy would tend to stay in trouble during school and around neighborhoods. If someone single parent’s child does not have any kind of role model. Then they should put their child in an organization. While being a mother you have to work twice as hard, think twice as hard, and also be twice as hard. When I say “work twice as hard,” I mean that you need to have a lot of working hours so that you can take care of you and the baby. When you began to think twice as hard you have to think about what you and the baby needs. When you think you should put the baby first, but don’t put yourself last, when I say “be twice as hard,” you cannot let anything bring you down. You have to continue to be happy and stay that way. When you find out that you are pregnant you begin to think about the child future and your future. Sometimes when single mothers look at their future they do not think about their future because they think they lost it. That is not true even though you feel as your future is messed up it is not. Yes your child future is very big in the picture, but you should also think about yours at the same time. Your future is important because you have to make an income off of your future. When being a single mother you want the best for your child and yourself. When you find out that you are pregnant when you are a teenager people begin to judge you. When people begin to judge you they treat you like you did something bad. They also try and tell you what you can and cannot do. When people judge you they do not think about themselves and what they did when they were a teenager. I feel that other people have no right to judge, but they do have the right to entitle their own opinion. My mother always said “if you do not have anything good to say then don’t say anything at all.” People always will try and say something to bring you down and make you feel like you did something wrong. They always throw the words from the bible and tell you that you are going to hell because you had sex before marriage and got pregnant. When having a baby you have to really get into time management. You do not have kids; wait until you do have kids. All the time you spend with your friends is going to come to an end. After the baby comes into the world there will no longer be any me time for yourself. If you live with close relatives then they may give you some freedom because being around a baby and taking care of it by yourself is stressful. From the time the child is born until he turn eighteen you have to make good decisions for the child and yourself. Making decisions could be good, bad, or go both ways when you make decisions you have to think about what consequences would happen on your part and also the child part also. While making a decision you have to think harder and longer than people that don’t have children at all. Children also have to make decisions as well. This can be the most stressful thing to a family member. Now that you have an understanding about the life of single mothers that try to raise a boy into a man is hard and the needs that need to be met for you and the child. Children are wonderful things but its hard work and sacrifices that have to be made. In my opinion if the father has nothing to do with the child the best thing to do is file child support papers so that you can have help and it won’t be too stressful on you and the family.
Sites: www.babycenter.com/cost-of-raising-child-calculator
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