I knew the time was coming, but exactly when was still unknown in my mind. I hadn't talked to anyone about it yet, and quite frankly that's the part I was most afraid of. What if no one believed me? They could just tell me i'm crazy or call me a liar, or worse, they could tell Napoleon. Benjamin and I still talked every once in a great while about the plan, but I hadn't heard from him in a while, but he had become a bit more verbal to all the other animals in general. I'm guessing that he believes I have the whole plan under control. I had the whole plan mapped out in my mind, everything set up exactly how I want, but it would be the executing that would be the tough part. The plan, to me anyway, seemed much more simple than it really was. But I was willing to do whatever it took to be successful. As I was sitting there thinking about the plan, Squealer came strolling by my stall, and when he saw me, with an astonished face said “My dear, Crimson! What are you still doing in your stall? Everyone else is already out there working on the windmill.” I thought fast, “I’m really sorry Squealer, I’ve just been thinking about my father lately, I miss him greatly.” Don't be sorry Crimson, we all miss your father very …show more content…
I knew that it was going to happen soon, very soon, I could feel it, but I still wasn't sure what would spark it. Luckily I got to find that out later in the day, when I heard rumours that Foxwood was going to attempt an attack on the Animal Farm. I still wasn't sure though, I mean, how would I be able to execute the plan in the middle of all that chaos. Squealer would probably be absent during the fighting, and Napoleon would be in the back of the pack with his many guard dogs. I knew I was gonna need help, but from who? Everyone else on the farm would think I was crazy and would just report me to Napoleon, and I would probably be sentenced to death. The more I thought about it, the more I thought of how impossible it seemed. I mean in all seriousness, Going against the whole Animal Farm by myself would be close to impossible, even if i'm the strongest horses on the farm, but i was hoping the talk with Benjamin would help. “Hey kid” Benjamin said quietly “You'll never get tired of that will you?” I said with a smirk. Benjamin smiled, which he seemed to be doing more and more lately. “Look” Benjamin said, changing to a more serious tone, which he always did, “I can tell you've been worrying a lot about the plan lately. But did you really think I was going to have you go into this alone?” And then, Benjamin actually let out a small giggle, without warning. This made Crimson wide eyed with excitement and a huge smile