When we face challenges in life that are far beyond our own power, it 's an opportunity to build on our…
Adversity can bring out the positive and negative sides in a person. In “The Proof of Worth,” Edgar Albert Guest demonstrates how challenges in life can help someone understand what he or she is capable of during a hardship. Similarly, “The Importance of Adversity in Growth and Development” written by Patrick Kohan exemplifies how children will never learn how to conquer an obstacle if they are always given assistance. Furthermore, Laura Hillenbrand’s novel, Unbroken, indicates that experiencing problems can affect the way a person’s body reacts and thinks about a difficult moment. Ultimately, the authors highlight that obstacles can be a complex or helpful task, as well as benefit people in the future when they need to know their true talents.…
Adversity tends to bring and develop one's character through hardships such as financial and political ones. The Roman poet, Horace, said that prosperous circumstances do not necessarily come from making good choices. During these tough times, adversity has the effect to bring out talents in one's developing character.…
Hardships are not an easy thing to go through, they’re rigor and just an obstacle no one wants to go through,hence the name.Yet hardships can influence a person’s like tremendously by making them a stronger person.…
I learn in this essay that most people are luckier then they think and should not be selfish about it. The very worst times in your life could be even worse in someone else’s life. The rougher times in life are there to make you stronger, not to punish you.…
Challenges can influence the way a person thinks and understands a complicated situation. For example, Kohan’s article states, when going through a hard time, “embracing adversity is almost always discovered in the aftermath” of a tough challenge that may expose hidden talents. Obstacles can show a person their achievement in…
“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.” What the Roman poet Horace was saying was that when there is an obstacle in our way, our true colors will radiate. I could not agree more. When we as human beings feel passionate about achieving a goal, we may learn something new of ourselves, maybe a new trait that we did not know we possessed, when we reach new heights we did not know we could push ourselves towards. Challenges are similar to tests. Challenges are faced every day, but how we respond to them determines how strong we really are. Prime examples are superheroes and students that move dramatically.…
Famous philosopher, Marcus Cicero, believes that, “The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory.” There is always people who get crushed by their difficulty everyday there is someone who struggles because whatever they are doing is difficult for them. Most people who are alcoholics almost never get sober because they love drinking. They might say that they are going to stop but they are likely to not stop. Difficulty makes people feel bad about them because they quit at what they are doing because it is to hard for them. Difficulty also sometimes makes people want to kill them self’s. It makes them do this because they are tired of doing what they can’t do. Therefore, difficulty is not an excuse for failure.…
Overcoming Obstacles Makes Better Individuals “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome” (Booker T. Washington). Obstacles are a required part of life if you wish to grow and develop. If you do not face challenges, you will not become a strong person. Individuals pushing to achieve the goals we set and overcoming the roadblocks ahead of us are what make us who we are. In the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and in my own personal experience, people encounter obstacles, and eventually overcome them.…
It is common to appreciate how people become pessimist and often depressive when adversity meet their lives. According to Seery (2011) “…some theory and empirical evidence suggest that the experience of facing difficulties can also promote benefits in the form of greater propensity for resilience when dealing with subsequent stressful situations.” (p. 390)…
Kanye West’s 2007 hit song, “Stronger” uses Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger”. In his novel, The Happiness Hypothesis, Jonathan Haidt states his hypothesis that people must endure all the hardships of life in order to grow in all aspects. I agree with both Nietzsche and Haidt that through perseverance of all difficulties that occur in life, we can develop a stronger physical, social, mental, and emotional state. I find Haidt’s suggestion interesting because many hardships I have endured and am continuing to endure, prove his suggestion valid.…
Have you ever faced adversity? Adversity is everywhere in life but you can overcome it. Life has all sorts of hard spots but if you keep trying you will get out of those ruts of life. there is many different types of adversity such as trying and trying but failing at something over in over but you have to keep trying according to "The man in the arena" Theodore Roosevelt "who strives valiantly; who errs, who does actually strive to do good deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotion;who spend himself worthy of cause; who at the best knows in the end triumph of high achievements , and who at the worst, if he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat" another example is in the poem by Langston Hughes mother to son "life for me ain't been no crystal stair its had tacks in it,and splinters,and boards torn up,and places with no carpet on the floor,bare. But all the time ,i'se been climbin' on....." you are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul according to William Ernest Henley in the poem…
Every day when we wake up, we are confronted with challenges. Some of the challenges are ones that we face every day, whereas some days we face brand new ones. Whether the challenge is simply getting out of bed and getting ready or dealing with a family emergency, we all face challenges each and every day. It is how we respond to these challenges that make us who we are. We can shy away from challenges and pretend they do not exist, or we can attack them through faith knowing we are not fighting on our own.…
Adversity is either chosen or brought upon someone; either way, the obstacle is either overcome or not. No matter wealth, age, or location, all people face adversity for it is synonymous with life. Life is the struggle for survival and success and order, while adversity is the representation of disorder and failure. Without either, it would be impossible to differentiate one’s achievements from one’s failures. Overcoming adversity is the basis of all great, successful people similarly to how concrete and steel is the foundation of all astonishing architectural structures.…
Kevin Conroy once said, “Everyone is handed adversity in life. No one’s journey is easy. It’s how they handle it that makes people unique.” Dictionary.com defines adversity as “adversity n. adverse or unfavorable fortune or fate; a condition marked by misfortune, calamity, or distress.” Adversity is something that everyone will experience at some point in his life; however, some people face greater adversities than others. Morrie Schwartz and Elie Wiesel are two men that faced two of the greatest adversities that this world knows. Elie is a survivor of Adolf Hitler’s destruction of the Holocaust, and Morrie Schwartz was a simple man who lost a battle to Lou Gehrig’s disease, or ALS. Both of these men’s lives have been captured in best-selling…