You are a graphic designer/writer for a computer magazine. Using Word, design a one-page, two or three-column layout for one of the hardware/software topics listed on the following page.
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Part One
1. Each student will be assigned one of the topics described on the second page.
2. Research your topic and write a short report that will help describe either the hardware or software concept to “readers.”
3. Incorporate your research report into an 8 ½ by 11 layout utilizing the column feature of Word. (Set columns to either two or three.)
4. The following graphic items must be included in your layout: a) Three graphic images including one imported from the internet; b) One textbox (horizontal); c) One textbox turned vertically; d) Bullets and/or the symbol feature; e) One horizontal line.
5. Include references and your name somewhere on the page.
Part Two - POSTER
You will also hand in a Poster of based on your research of your topic. Be sure to include lots of pictures and use a font that is large enough to read when it is posted in the classroom.
|Learning Skill |Item |Mark |
| |( displays a good sense of design and | |
|Thinking |information organized attractively |/10 |
| | | |
|Application |( all required graphical elements | |