Chippindale C, Editor. 2009. The archaeology of rock-art. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge
University Press. 373 p. Dr. Christopher Chippindale is an archaeologist from the United Kingdom. He currently holds the honored position of Reader in Archaeology at the University of Cambridge, UK. He is world renown and highly respected in the fields of anthropology and archaeology for his original works and studies on stone henge, rock formations and rock art. The primary intent of this title is to inform the reader on various forms of artistic expression our ancestral cultures left behind for us. This title establishes uncontested observations and methodologies for research and documentation of rock archaeology. This is …show more content…
relevant to my theme for two primary reasons. Firstly, it provides a general timeline that establishes the first known discoveries of culture in the neolithic period. Second, this title also provides well documented examples of cultural development throughout the neolithic period that will support my topic. The entry that this title most related to is The History of Music by Morley, 2013.Both authors use widely accepted methods for their research and dating methods, therefore no competitive views really exist between them. The primary difference is that this text deals with rock art and Morley focuses on musical instruments.
Feinman G, Editor. 2001. Archaeology at the millennium. New York (NY): Springer Science. 494 p. Dr.
Gary Feinman is an archaeologist from the United States.
He is currently the Curator of Mesoamerican and Central American Anthropology for Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History. Dr. Feinman is known for his work in the development of an archaeology survey, as well as his research in the Oaxaca Valley in southern Mexico. Dr. Feinman asserts that the purpose of this title is not to redefine accepted theories and facts in anthropology and archaeology, but to consolidate them all into a single reference source. This is a compilation of anthropological data and theories as it stood during the new millennium. This text will assist me in providing relevant archaeological findings and anthropological theories on the topic of the foundation of neolithic cultural leisure. This text is similar to Dr Hanks and Dr Linduff 2009 title, Social complexity in prehistoric Eurasia. The primary difference is the scope of Dr. Feinman is much broader in the exploration of a wide variety of topics, while Drs Hanks and Lindruff provide a more detailed look at relevant finds in and around the Eurasian …show more content…
Frachetti M. 2012. Multiregional emergence of mobile pastoralism and nonuniform institutional complexity across Eurasia. Current Anthropology. 53(1): 2-38 p. Dr. Michael Frachetti is one of the leading researchers in the world for bronze age central and eastern Eurasia. His focus is often towards the pastoral and migratory cultures and how they spread new technologies and customs. The famed silk road of the old world runs right across the Eurasian steppe and is attributed by Dr. Frachetti as a major conduit between the mixing of eastern and western cultures. I will show correlation between the density of cultural artifacts discovered and agricultural communities. I will also explore spread of new cultural identifications through the pastoral and nomadic tribes. I will differentiate the locations of early stationary agriculture from the pastoral communities so I can focus on the cultural development of each subject appropriately. Hanks and Linduff echo many of the same notions on spreading culture through pastoralism. They also tend to focus on the fertile crescent and Persia more than Dr. Frachetti. Additionally he is more focused on the pastoral communities contributions to the domestication of crops and animals as oppose to the culture as a whole.
Hanks B and Linduff K. 2009. Social complexity in prehistoric Eurasia. Cambridge (UK):
Cambridge University Press. 412 p. Dr Hanks and Dr. Linduff are Professors at the University of Pittsburgh, PA. Dr Linduff is very well known for her expertise in ancient and eastern art across the Eurasian steppe. Dr. Hanks has a broader view of the societies themselves and how they developed into complex societies. This title will explore both the art and societies of ancient times in Eurasia. The claims here are in support of the correlation between art and the development of complex societies. This adds significant value to my topic as it attempts to define the catalyst for cultural development. I will also be able to align the theories postulated by Doctors Chippindale and Morley. Their titles also claim a clear correlation with cultural leisure and social domestication. The obvious difference between the three books is that Dr. Chippindale focuses on rock art, Dr. Morley on music and this title provides a broader overview.
Morley I. 2013. The prehistory of music: human evolution, archaeology, and the origins of
Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press. 464 p. Dr. Iain Morley is a lecturer in paleoanthropology for the University of Oxford. He also tutors and lectures on the topics of the evolution of human cognition, human evolution, archaeology, anthropology, and cognitive and evolutionary anthropology. His primary focus for his research is the origins of human cognition and culture. This title attempts to show correlations between music and language in regards to our human ancestors. His belief is that language and music would have basically come into existence either at the same time or for the same reasons during different times. This claim supports my theory that a paradigm shift occurred when humans settled, permitting more leisure, and I believe the development of artistic and cultural identities. This entry also goes into great detail for the opposing arguments surrounding some controversial flutes. Dr. Chippindale focuses in a similar way on a different side of cultural development by exploring rock art. Dr. Chippindale has a more data focused reference and Dr. Morley is a mix of data and well establish references that support his