We fulfill dreams through the experiences of motorcycling, byproviding to motorcyclists and to the general public an expanding lineof motorcycles, branded products and services in selected marketsegments
”Vision Statement says:
“Harley-Davidson is an action-oriented, international company, a leaderin its commitment to continuously improve [its] mutually beneficialrelationships with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, employees,shareholders, Government, and society). Harley-Davidson believes thekey to success is to balance stakeholders’ interests through theempowerment of all employees to focus on value-added activities.
PROPOSED MISSION To be branded as the best motorcycle available in the world.
The best quality motorcycle, motorcycle products and financialservices will be provided world wide is the commitment of Harley-Davidson.Customer satisfaction is our motto and the Harley-Davidson customers can experiencethe taste of reality of motorcycle dreams by relaying their satisfaction on us. Harley-Davidson is dedicated to use the advanced technology to produce the most superior motorcycle in domestic and international markets. Stay competitive and continuegrowth worldwide remain profitable and survive is our philosophy. Employees of Harley-Davidson are the foundation of the company and they are the driving force behind the Harley-Davidson name. The total team effort of Harley-Davidsonemployees is devoted to fulfilling dreams of customers and we believe that there is nota motorcycle riding experience like a Harley-Davidson’s. Excellence is our pushthough our Harley-Davidson bar and shield logo that says superior quality. Honestyand customer loyalty and these morals are the heartbeat of Harley-Davidsonorganization. Harley-Davidson do our part in supporting all environmental laws in every country we do business. Determination and commitment is the place whereHarley-Davidson intends to stay