International accounting harmonisation can be defined as "the process of bringing
international Accounting Standards into some sort of agreement so that the financial
statements from different countries are prepared according to a common set of principles of
measurement and disclosure".
Harmonisation means that deviating rules, which do not exclude themselves, can continue to
exist next to each other. That means harmonisation does not focus on the elimination of
differences but on the reduction of contradicting rules. the aim of the international harmonisation process of Accounting Standards is to reduce or overcome differences world-wide, in order to reach a better international
comparability of financial statements. Harmonisation has been broken down into two aspects: material and formal harmonisation
* material harmonisation
Material harmonisation refers to research from a practical point of view. That means that
the harmonisation of Accounting Practice applied by different enterprises, is regarded. It
is about the consistency in actual application.
* formal harmonisation
Harmonisation in terms of formal harmonisation is researched from a theoretical point of
view, which means that the similarities and diversities between rules and regulations of
different countries, clusters or groups are regarded
Advantages and disadvantages of the IAS
Companies prepare financial statements. Therefore the following advantages can be seen from
the standpoint of preparers of financial reports
Internally multinational companies would make savings if all their subsidiaries could use the
same Accounting System. A similar internal reporting system gives the chance of better
comparisons, less confusion and mistakes between the parts of the company. It allows
uncomplicated communication and transfers of finance personnel. One set of Accounting
Standards could be used in various jurisdictions and capital markets. Further