Accounting Standards
Susanne Fritz
Christina Lämmle
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ISRN International Master Program
Strategy and Culture 2003/3
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Den internationella harmoniseringsprocessen av redovisningsstandarder
The International harmonisation process of Accounting Standards
Susanne Fritz and Christina Lämmle
Background: Growth in international trade and capital flows has triggered a rising economic integration. Because of these developments there has been an international homogenising effect upon many customs, practices and institutions. In business life it led among other things to a desire to harmonise Accounting Standards among countries.
Purpose: Our purpose is to answer the question: What is the international harmonisation process of Accounting Standards, what is its status quo and how important is the
International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) in it?
Realisation: In order to fulfil this purpose, we have chosen a descriptive approach, which is based on secondary data from textbooks, articles and homepages.
Result: The international harmonisation of Accounting Standards is a process, which brings international Accounting Standards into some sort of agreement, in order to achieve a common set of Accounting principles. 7000 European companies have to use the
International Accounting Standards (IAS) in the European Union (EU), beginning 2005.
The IAS are developed from the IASB. Furthermore, the long existing rejection of IAS of the U.S. seems to change. Co-ordination of agendas of the American standard-setting
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