Lori A. Custodero & Lily Chen-Hafteck a b a b
Music and Music Education program at Teachers College, Columbia University
Music Department, Kean University, New Jersey Version of record first published: 07 Aug 2010.
To cite this article: Lori A. Custodero & Lily Chen-Hafteck (2008): Harmonizing Research, Practice, and Policy in Early Childhood Music: A Chorus of International Voices (Part 2), Arts Education Policy Review, 109:3, 3-8 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.3200/AEPR.109.3.3-8
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Copyright © 2008 Heldref Publications
Harmonizing Research, Practice, and Policy in Early Childhood Music: A Chorus of International Voices (Part 2)
Editor’s note. Lori A. Custodero and Lily Chen-Hafteck served as guest editors for both Part 1 and Part 2 of the special issue International Policies on Early Childhood Music Education: Local and Global Issues Revealed. n the November/December 2007 issue of Arts Education Policy Review, readers were