Forward Looking Statements Certain informa,on in this presenta,on may be considered forward-‐looking informa,on within the meaning of the Private Securi,es Li,ga,on Reform Act of 1995. This informa,on is based on the Company's current expecta,ons and actual results could vary materially depending on risks and uncertain,es that may affect the Company's opera,ons, markets, services, prices and other factors as discussed in filings with the Securi,es and Exchange Commission. These risks and uncertain,es include, but are not limited to, industry and economic condi,ons, compe,,ve, legal, governmental and technological factors. There is no assurance that the Company's expecta,ons will be realized. The Company assumes no obliga,on to update any forward-‐ looking informa,on contained in this presenta,on should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securi,es and other applicable laws. Market data and other sta,s,cal informa,on used throughout this presenta,on are based on independent industry publica,ons, government publica,ons, reports by market research firms or other published independent sources. Some data are also based on our good faith es,mates which are derived from our review of
Forward Looking Statements Certain informa,on in this presenta,on may be considered forward-‐looking informa,on within the meaning of the Private Securi,es Li,ga,on Reform Act of 1995. This informa,on is based on the Company's current expecta,ons and actual results could vary materially depending on risks and uncertain,es that may affect the Company's opera,ons, markets, services, prices and other factors as discussed in filings with the Securi,es and Exchange Commission. These risks and uncertain,es include, but are not limited to, industry and economic condi,ons, compe,,ve, legal, governmental and technological factors. There is no assurance that the Company's expecta,ons will be realized. The Company assumes no obliga,on to update any forward-‐ looking informa,on contained in this presenta,on should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securi,es and other applicable laws. Market data and other sta,s,cal informa,on used throughout this presenta,on are based on independent industry publica,ons, government publica,ons, reports by market research firms or other published independent sources. Some data are also based on our good faith es,mates which are derived from our review of