It is believed to be a song that was used to communicate hidden codes and instructions to runaway slaves. It was a code name for the Big Dipper star formation which points to the Pole Star in to the North. The song and story played an important role in civil rights and revival movements in the 1950s-1960s …show more content…
Harriet Tubman is probably the most famous abolitionist and escaped slave in history.
She was born into slavery in maryland. Her master was exceptionally cruel and had already had disobedient slaves mutated and there limbs amputated. Angered by this harsh treatment and a thirst for justice she ran away from the plantation. She succesfully reached the north and freedom. She did not stop there, Harriet then went back to free her family and a few other friends and bring them to the north. She kept going back and helped over 300 slaves escape in the process. For this she is remembered as the Moses of her people and continues to remain a figure of awe and
Soul food which originated in the 1400s, was a style of cooking used by the slaves to make do with the little food they were given by their masters. It has become a regional wide style of cooking and remains an important part of the African American culture.
A Hushpuppie is a small savory
Though running away may seem as simple and easy as crossing the boarder,it was actually very difficult and dangerous. Most slaves who ran away on their own were caught before they could reach the north. Abolisionists began to set up safe houses along the underground railroad in which slaves could rest and recuperate and hide from patrols. These safe
houses were called stations on the underground
railroad and the abolitionists that kept them were
called conductors.
Soul food which originated in the 1400s, was a style of cooking used by the slaves to make do with the little food they were given by their masters. It has become a regional wide style of cooking and remains an important part of the African American culture.
A Hushpuppie is a small savory
Corn based ball of doe thats is
Frequently used as a side with
Deep fried food and soul food.
Though running away may seem as simple and easy as crossing the boarder,it was actually very difficult and dangerous. Most slaves who ran away on their own were caught before they could reach the north. Abolisionists began to set up safe houses along the underground railroad in which slaves could rest and recuperate and hide from patrols. These safe
houses were called stations on the underground
railroad and the abolitionists that kept them were
called conductors.