A utopia is an imagined place or state of things in which everything is ideal or perfect. Unlike a utopia, a dystopia is not a good place or a frightening place to live. This is a dystopian society and world where the people can not be who they truly are and are forced to live in misery. Here, the government makes people who are above average intelligence wear ear pieces designed to make sounds that distract them from taking full advantage of their brain. The sounds …show more content…
Even though the government makes the people live like this that wasn't stopping Harrison from becoming his own person and trying to take over the government. Some people like Harrison’s parents thinks that the government is doing the right thing by controlling everyone, but it’s not a good system because the people are miserable. Harrison is a smart, intelligent young man and wants to make the society better so that people will have a chance to live in a utopian society, rather than a dystopian