One of the reason that Harrison might have declared himself as emperor was because Harrison wants their to be no more handicaps and for people to stop wearing …show more content…
Harrison wants people to stop wearing handicaps the reader can tell this because almost as soon as he gets into the TV station he takes off his handicaps, Harrison also takes off his Empress’ handicaps, and at some point the musicians handicaps came off as well. Another reason is that Harrison believed he was superior to everyone else, the reader could think this because he forces the musicians to play, He took off his handicaps caps in an almost show off type way, and he ordered people around. The last possible reason why Harrison wanted to be emperor is that He wanted to influence people to take off their handicaps the reader may think this because he went to a television station to do this, he took off people's handicaps on TV, and that it could have possibly worked because the text never says that Harrison took off the musicians handicaps.Harrison possibly wanted to be emperor so he could be superior and to get rid of