Summer Reading
Chapter 1
Slackjawed – having the mouth open, especially as an indication of astonishment or bewilderment
Banished – to expel from or regulate to a county or place by authoritative decree
Dubious – wavering or hesitating in opinion; doubtful
Coquettish - characteristically flirtatious, especially in a teasing, lighthearted manner
Usurped - to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right
“Aya Ma, na mind ya.” - Bolabo pg.5
In Chapter 1 we are introduced to Helene, her family, and the help at the Sugar House. John Lewis Cooper Jr. and Calista Esmerelda Dennis Cooper are Helene's parents. Her parents are both known as Honorables, because of their family history. Helene’s father’s ancestors date back to one of the first ships of freed blacks to be immigrated to Liberia and Calista's was the first, her ancestor is Elijah Johnson, whom without there might have not been a Liberia. John's children from his first marriage are John, Janice, whom goes to a boarding school in England, and Ora. Helene's only full blood sister is Marlene. Victoria Dennis is Helene's cousin and lives with the family in the Sugar House.
The workers in the house are known as “boys”. The driver is Fedeles but he mainly drives around the children because the parents drive themselves. Jack is the houseboy but they don’t call him that out of respect. The two cooks are Old Man Charlie and Tommy, one from both parents side of the family. Sammy Cooper is the yardboy, he tells Helene stories about her Dad. Galway is the Washman and lastly Bolabo is the night watchman that falls asleep on the job too often, when he should be stopping the robbers.
The sugar house is a very expensive, very luxurious house. Is it built miles from any other town which separates Helene from anybody that doesn’t live there, except for Sunday when they go into town for church. It is a very expensive house which repeatedly gets broken into and robbed several times, of only a few ivory items each time. Helene believes the robbers to be Heartmen; witch doctors that cut your heart out of your body while alive. She has trouble sleeping in a room by herself which leads to her parents having to take action.
How do the different tribes the workers are from come into play?
Chapter 2
“I came out with the Agents and I will stand by them, unless they do something more than they do now.”- Elijah Johnson pg.33
This chapter reflects on Helene's ancestor, Elijah Johnson, to explain her importance in the novel. It explains part of her life and how the land was seized from the tribes that lived there in the past.
Mast- a spar or structure rising about the hull and upper portions of a ship or boat to hold sails, spars, rigging, booms, etc.
Timber- wood, especially when suitable or adapted for various building purposes
Mildew- a disease of plants, characterized by a cottony, usually whitish coating on the surface of affected parts caused by various fungi
Heathen- an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person
Blustery- to roar and be tumultuous, as wind
What is the importance of explaining Helene's ancestors’ history?
Chapter 3
“Who able to sleep by their'self in this big scary house?”- Eunice pg. 43
In this chapter Eunice joins the household. She is adopted from a very poor family so that Helene will be able to sleep better at night and not run to her parent’s room. At first Eunice tries to run away but as the chapter progresses she becomes happier in the house becoming friends with the other children. At the end of the chapter Eunice tells them all a scary story, which reinforces the superstitious belief in the book.
Gangly- Awkwardly tall or long-limbed
Muggy- oppressively humid
Clattering- to make a loud, rattling sound, as that produced by hard objects striking rapidly one against the other
Nondescript- of no recognized, definite, or particular type or kind
Bowlegged- Having bowlegs
Why is it that the woman is the head of the house, for the book taking place in this time period?
Chapter 4
“Don't make me ashamed”- Eunice pg.63
The chapter starts off explaining about Helene and the different vacation spots her family would travel to with Helene including their farm in Kakata. Then later when they return to Sugar beach her uncle Bro is introduced. Henry shows up and takes the children to Ceasar's beach where Helene is afraid to go into the water for fear of neegee's. She then feels betrayed by Eunice because Eunice was the one who tells stories of neegees but she still went into the water.
Urinate- To excrete urine
Farina- Fine meal prepared from cereal grain and various other plant products and often used as a cooked cereal or in puddings
Gesticulate- To make gestures especially while speaking, as for emphasis
Haggling- To bargain, as over the price of something
Sinister- Suggesting or threatening evil
What is ironic about Eunice's and Marlene's trips to Bubba Town?
Chapter 5
“We want no flagstaff put up here that will cost more to get it down again than it will to whip the natives.”-Elijah Johnson pg.69
Chapter 5 starts off with Helene and Eunice rehearsing for a play for the annual Matilda Newport Festival. The play continues to tell the history of the holiday. It states how Elijah Johnson and the settlers refused to leave what is now Monrovia and fought off the Native Africans. They then made up stories of a hero named Matilda Newport who saved the day and Matilda Newport Day was born. It is celebrated by the Congo people and not by the other tribes.
Dictates- To say or read aloud to be recorded or written by another
Chronicle- An extended account in prose or verse of historical events, sometimes including legendary material, presented in chronological order and without authorial interpretation or comment
Protocol- A code of correct conduct
Regiment- A military unit of ground troops consisting of at least two battalions, usually commanded by a colonel
Palavers- Idle chatter
How are the questions at the end of the chapter foreshadowing for later chapters?
Chapter 6
“Those were your ancestors, girl. Stupid people...Now they're trying to tell us we shouldn't celebrate Matilda Newport Day.”- Mama Grand pg. 84
This chapter shows Helene's family celebrating Matilda Newport Day. It is the first time that Eunice meets Helene's grandmother, Mama Grand. Mama Grand is a women who says whatever she feels like saying and presents this feature when she describes how the Liberians, Eunice's people, are stupid people and how they hate Matilda Newport Day.
Spawned- A product or an outcome
Fraught- Filled with a specified element or elements
Cassavas- A shrubby tropical American plant (Manihot esculenta) widely grown for its large, tuberous, starchy roots
Khaki- A light olive brown to moderate or light yellowish brown
Factotum- An employee or assistant who serves in a wide range of capacities
How does Mama Grand's speech about Matilda Newport Day foreshadow a conflict to come about?
Chapter 7
“I don't care she’s a spoilt brat”-Helene pg.91
This chapter displays the friction between Helene and her sister Marlene. They show a typical sibling relationship, Marlene is younger and gets special treatment and Helene feels like Marlene doesn't deserve any special treatment. This chapter shows Helene's family going to church but without her father because he doesn’t go to church.
Warbling- To sing (a note or song, for example) with trills, runs, or other melodic embellishments
Congregation- A body of assembled people or things; a gathering
Butchering- To botch; bungle
Usher- One who is employed to escort people to their seats, as in a theater, church, or stadium
Fellowship- The condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, or nationality
How will Helene's and Marlene's relationship play a role later in the story?
Chapter 8
“S-s-stop wh-whining. You think I will let anybody beat you?”- Eunice pg. 105
The chapter starts with Helene, Eunice, and Marlene going to school. Helene and Marlene go to the American Cooperative School and Eunice goes to Haywood. Marlene has been kicked out of several other schools for misconduct and Helene does not want to be responsible for her sister in her school. After school Helene wants to go to her Aunt Momsie's house, where her cousins CeRue, Michelle, and Ethello live. She idolizes them because they are popular and cool. The place for everybody to hang out on Saturday was the Relda Cinema. They would show American movies there and friends would hang out. It was there that Helene met Lawrence Lincoln whom became her boyfriend. She was using him to try to make herself more popular and told a girl Nyemale that she was going to break up with him. She denied saying it and Nyemale was going to fight her outside the cinema. When the time came for the fight Helene's cousins, sisters, and Eunice were there to help her and Helene got away without having to fight her.
Drawled- To speak with lengthened or drawn-out vowels
Pleated- A fold in cloth made by doubling the material upon itself and then pressing or stitching it into place
Kerosene- A thin oil distilled from petroleum or shale oil, used as a fuel for heating and cooking, in lamps, and as a denaturant for alcohol
Slinky- Stealthy, furtive, and sneaking
Sultry- Expressing or arousing desire
Will Nyemale come back later in the story as a conflict?
Chapter 9
“Well, there goes the debt of gratitude?”- Ma Gene pg. 121
It is now almost Christmas time and Eunice and Helene are making their Christmas lists, when Santa Claus shows up at their house and they all dance with him and have a good time. The chapter then proceeds to explain Helene's father's ancestors and how they came to Liberia and how her father and mother met and married each other.
Promptly- Being on time; punctual
Pointedly- Having an end coming to a point
Pronouncement- A formal expression of opinion; a judgment
Dispatched- To relegate to a specific destination or send on specific business
Proverbial- Of the nature of a proverb
How is the cultural difference between America and Liberia shown in the way they celebrate Christmas?
Chapter 10
“Sometimes things don't work out.”- Daddy pg. 132
This chapter starts by explaining one of Helene's fears that she doesn't want her mom and dad to divorce. It then goes on to explain how her father has several girlfriends which was custom in Liberia. It is explained how they always fight and they all of a sudden stop talking to one another. President Jimmy Carter visits and her parents continue to ignore each other. Her father starts staying out later and later and visiting his farm on weekends without his kids. Helene, her sisters, and her mother go to America when Helene's mom gets a letter from Helene's dad saying how he wants to divorce her. At the end of the chapter he leaves the house.
Incoherent- Lacking cohesion, connection, or harmony; not coherent
Palm- Any of various chiefly tropical evergreen trees, shrubs, or woody vines of the family Palmae (or Arecaceae), characteristically having unbranched trunks with a crown of large pinnate or palmate leaves having conspicuous parallel venation
Exasperated- To make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly
Pavilion- A light, sometimes ornamental roofed structure, used for amusement or shelter, as at parks or fairs
Retrospect- A review, survey, or contemplation of things in the past
How will Helene's father leaving influence the rest of the book?
Chapter 11
“Life, is what you make it. Make it good and it will be good. Make it bad and you will be sorry.”- Helene pg.146
This chapter is where Helene's war starts. The people of Liberia want change; new political parties are forming and are challenging the current way of life. The president of Liberia tries to make the country less dependent of foreign rice by increasing the price of rice by 50%. This causes riots and protests to form. To counter these protests the president of Liberia calls in help from Guinea and Guinea sends troops to patrol and quell these riots. Helene's cousin Gabriel Dennis is killed in a gunfight. At the end of the chapter Helene starts her freshmen year of high school and discovers boys.
Chastise- To punish, as by beating
Uprising- A sometimes limited popular revolt against a constituted government or its policies; a rebellion
Reform- To improve by alteration, correction of error, or removal of defects; put into a better form or condition
Derided- To speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth
Inflation- A persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods and services
What does Helene mean by this was only the first shot?
Chapter 12
“Like Lovers”- Helene pg. 161
This chapter starts off in school where Helene has a crush on a senior. His name is Philip and he found out that Helene likes him through her friend. At her school dance, Helene and Philip slow dance together and she feels like she is in love with him. Then the chapter takes a brief break and tells how the president of Liberia is arresting everybody trying to form other political parties to challenge him. Then the chapter goes back to Helene where she and Philip have their first real conversation and the chapter ends with him carrying her books to her car.
Whoop- A loud cry of exultation or excitement
Lenient- Inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful, generous, or indulgent
Constituents- Serving as part of a whole; component
Dissidents- Disagreeing, as in opinion or belief
Crooning- To hum or sing softly
Is Philip just playing Helene or does he actually care?
Chapter 13
“De people gone.”- Galway pg.178
The chapter starts off with Master Sgt. Samuel Kanyon Doe and his small troop of rebels storming the Executive Mansion and killing the president. The new leader, Sgt. Doe, then orders all government ministers to report to BTC. The soldiers take away Mama Grand and basically all Congo people to BTC. Helene's family is spared because her grandfather was a captain that everybody loved. When they return home the workers are gone and soldiers come to the house and then rape Helen's mom. The workers return and when the soldiers come back the soldiers say that Helene and her family left.
Bayonet- A blade adapted to fit the muzzle end of a rifle and used as a weapon in close combat
Disembowel- To remove the entrails from
Coup- A brilliantly executed stratagem; a triumph
Redemption- The act of redeeming or the condition of having been redeemed
Muzak- A trademark used for recorded background music transmitted by wire or radio, as to places of business, on a subscription basis
Is Helene's father at BTC or is he just going to be killed by the soldiers?
Chapter 14
“You think they will kill Uncle Cecil?”- Helene pg.181
Helene's mom is distant from everybody and working as if on autopilot. Helene's family decides to move in with her Aunt Momsie. Helene goes to school and it seems as if everybody is being put in situations similar to hers. The trials are held for the government ministers and they are all executed on Helene's birthday including her Uncle Cecil and Philip's father. Helene's father is in the hospital because he was shot by a soldier. They decide that they are going to go to America and when Helene's father is healed he will go meet them in America. Eunice decides to stay in Liberia and finish the school year and live with her mom.
Exorcist- someone who practices exorcism
Tribunal- A seat or court of justice
Euphoric- A feeling of great happiness or well-being
Equatorial- Of, relating to, or resembling the earth's equator
Minutiae- A small or trivial detail
Will Eunice join them in America or stay with her mom in Liberia?
Chapter 15
“Mommee, are we refugees?”- Helene pg.207
Helene, her mom, and Marlene move into her Aunt Jeanette's house. Helene's dad goes to North Carolina and finds a job there as an accountant. Helene starts going to school and doesn't make any friends, instead she spends her time in the library writing stories. Her mom starts dating again and the first one she meets touches Helene so she breaks up with him. Eunice graduates high school and is still living with her mom. Helene's mom decides to head back to Liberia to collect rent from some of her remaining properties now that it calmed down a little bit. Helene and Marlene are going to live with their father I North Carolina.
Refugee- One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution
Lull- To cause to sleep or rest; soothe or calm
Untenable- Being such that defense or maintenance is impossible
Cypress- Any of various evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus
Legion- A large military unit trained for combat; an army
Will Helene's mother return to America or will she be captured in Liberia?
Chapter 16
“SHUT UP HELENE!”- unknown pg. 219
In this chapter Helene and Marlene have moved in with their dad and went to school in Durham for about a month. Then their father got a job and bought a house in Greensboro so they moved there. Helene and Marlene go to school in Greensboro and Helene makes friends with Lee McLaughlin.
Lease- A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent
Postmaster- A man who is in charge of the operations of a local post office
Dreading- To be in terror of
Demographic- A portion of a population, especially considered as consumers
Deputy- A person appointed or empowered to act for another
Will Helene ever see Eunice again?
Chapter 17
“I not no skinny, you know I na get fat,”-Helene pg. 229
Over in Liberia president Doe is destroying the country's economy. He introduced new currency into the country and ran off the tax base when he chased off the Congo people. Helene knows she wants to be a journalist when she grows up. Helene's mom returned to America and lives with Helene, Marlene, and Helene's dad in Greensboro for a month before returning to Liberia. Helene is diagnosed with being a juvenile diabetic, which she inherited from her dad. Helene joins her schools newspaper and their High IQ team. In the All states round off the high IQ tournament, the match was televised and Helene ended up costing them the match.
Diabetic- Of, relating to, having, or resulting from diabetes
Implicating- To involve or connect intimately or incriminatingly
Parochial- Of, relating to, supported by, or located in a parish
Insulin- A polypeptide hormone secreted by the islets of Langerhans and functioning in the regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, especially the conversion of glucose to glycogen, which lowers the blood glucose level
Windfall- A sudden, unexpected piece of good fortune or personal gain
Will Helene's family end up losing the house from not being able to pay their debt?
Chapter 18
“You seacrab, is that why you haven't been to see me?”- Mommee pg. 236
When Helene's mom was in Liberia she would meet with Eunice while she was down there and talk with her and exchange letters with her. Eunice decided that she wanted to go to business school in Liberia. Eunice got pregnant and was ashamed to tell Helene's mom. Helene's dad tells her and Marlene that no matter what they ever do, they can tell him. It was the first time Helene felt safe since Liberia.
Foreclose- To deprive (a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property, as when payments have not been made
Fretting- To be vexed or troubled; worry
Acumen- Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight
Kitchenette- A small kitchen
Outright- Without reservation or qualification; openly
Will Eunice be able to take care of her child?
Chapter 19
“You gonna write an article about that for the DTH?”- unknown pg.248
Helene is attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for journalism. She writes editorials for the college newspaper because they wouldn't put her on the paper staff. She wrote mostly about South Africa's apartheid policies. Back in Liberia Doe and his administration have become exactly lived the previous administration, buy all the fancy cars, houses, and being wealthy while everybody else stays poor. Helene's father takes Marlene and returns to Liberia so they could have a better life, leaving Helene all alone in America. Eunice's son's name is Ishmael and Ishmael's father came back to Liberia to take care of his son. In Liberia there was an attempted coup, but it didn’t work an the ringleader was chopped to bits and his remains were put on display.
Apartheid- An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites
Indignation- Anger aroused by something unjust, mean, or unworthy
Condoning- To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure
Corrosive- Gradually destructive; steadily harmful
Euphoric- A feeling of great happiness or well-being
Will their be another change in power in Liberia?
Chapter 20
Don't even think about jumping into that grave.”- Bro. Henry pg. 259
Helene is 19 years old; her entire family is in Liberia except for Vicki, Vicki's husband, and John Bull. John Bull and Vicki's grandma, Ma Gene died and they wanted to have a small service for her. Helene's dad fell into a coma in Liberia and dies. He has a traditional Liberian funeral held for him in Liberia and Helene isn't able to attend. Eunice goes to the funeral and sees Marlene for the first time in 5 years. Marlene seems to take her father’s death the hardest.
Bawl- To cry or sob loudly; wail
Sermons- A religious discourse delivered as part of a church service
Repasts- A meal or the food eaten or provided at a meal
Contingent- Liable to occur but not with certainty; possible
Internship- A student or a recent graduate undergoing supervised practical training
How will this event affect Marlene?
Chapter 21
“I love you, but...”- Liam pg. 274
Helene moves to Providence, Rhode Island to start her new career as a journalist for the Providence Journal. Charles Taylor invades Liberia and started a war against Doe. Helene's mom had to flee Liberia before Taylor started fighting and lived with Helene in Rhode Island. Janice was in Liberia at the time Taylor marched into war and Janice was captured and held prisoner, with her husband, and son Logosou. Janice was released and her family escaped to America. She published it in the Providence Journal, which caught the attention of many magazines. Two years before she wrote the story she met a man named Liam, she fell in love with him, and then he broke her heart because he was white and his parents didn't want them together. Helene's entire family was now in America except for Eunice.
Correspondent- One who communicates by means of letters
Exposure- An act of subjecting or an instance of being subjected to an action or an influence
Embezzling- To take (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of a trust
Deeming- To have as an opinion; judge
Propped- An object placed beneath or against a structure to keep it from falling or shaking; a support
Will Liam stand up to his parents and go back to Helene?
Chapter 22
“Don't cry.”- Soldier pg. 280
The chapter starts with Eunice sending Ishmael to live with his father away from Liberia. When Taylor started his attacks Firestone was shut down and Eunice had to start selling bread to survive. Other rebel groups emerged and Doe was executed. The West African peacekeeping forces got involved and starting bombing the rebels. She stayed for two years in Grand Bassa County before deciding to head back to Monrovia.
Enlistment- To engage (persons or a person) for service in the armed forces
Dragooned- A member of a European military unit trained and armed to fight mounted or on foot
Infrastructure- An underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system
Bungalow- A small house or cottage usually having a single story and sometimes an additional attic story
Thatched- Plant stalks or foliage, such as reeds or palm fronds, used for roofing
Will Eunice survive this war?
Chapter 23
“Is it real?”- Commerce woman pg. 290
Helene starts working for the Wall Street Journal at the bottom getting sent to the deep South. She moved up after a great story about Coca-Cola. She quickly started writing stories about racial issues in the southern region of America. After two years of working in the South she got moved to international trade. She became an American Citizen and travels the world covering stories for her boss. In Liberia Taylor became president and many people were killed. Helene was on a elite group of reporters that they would send anywhere. One of the places they got sent was to Iraq a few months before the war in Iraq started.
Bureau- A government department or a subdivision of a department
Impenetrable- Impossible to understand; incomprehensible
Engorged- To devour greedily
Requisite- Required; essential
Ramshackle- So poorly constructed or kept up that disintegration is likely; rickety
What will happen to Helene in Iraq, and is Eunice still alive?
Chapter 24
“MED-EVAC!”- unknown soldier pg. 310
Liberia is at war with another rebel group called LURD. Helene is in Iraq to cover the start of the war. She's working with several other reporters from the Wall Street Journal. Helene feels guilty that she’s now completely American and isn't Liberian anymore. The day of the invasion comes and Helene is riding in a Humvee when it breaks down and has to be towed by a tank. When they get into the town they start fighting the enemy and Helene's Humvee gets run over by a tank. Everybody gets out except her and she almost dies. She plans to die in Monrovia than in some other country.
Profusely- Plentiful; copious
Frittered- To reduce or squander little by little
Bemoaned- To express grief over; lament
Flak- Antiaircraft artillery
Gingerly- With great care or delicacy; cautiously
Will Helene find out what happened to Eunice in Liberia?
Chapter 25
“T-t-t-his my sister.”- Eunice pg.329
Helene goes back to Monrovia and the place is a living Hell. The houses are destroyed, people are in the street begging, there is no electricity or running water. Helene lives in a hotel where the other reporters stay that are covering events in Liberia. Helene meets up with Philip, who is still in Liberia and they have dinner together. Helene decides it's time she finds her sister and she goes looking for her. She finds her at her job and they both are so happy to see each other.
Ubiquitous- Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time
Anemic- Relating to or suffering from anemia
Patent- A grant made by a government that confers upon the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a set period of time
Marauding- To rove and raid in search of plunder
Torrential- Resembling, flowing in, or forming torrents
How will Helene's reunion with Philip influence the rest of the book?
Chapter 26
“This is my story. This is my song.”- Eunice and Helene pg. 345
Helene and Eunice talk about their lives and how they have changed. Eunice is married and has four foster kids. Marlene works at the Kennedy center and is dating a Serbian. Helene visits her father’s grave and talks to him for a while about everything in her life after he died. Helene, Eunice, and Eunice's husband, Walker, visit Sugar Beach. Everything has been looted and it’s full of squatters. Helene decides to go back to America and live out the rest of her life.
Acquiesced- To consent or comply passively or without protest
Subservient- Subordinate in capacity or function
Seismic- Of, subject to, or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration
Caustic- Capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action
Matinee- An entertainment, such as a dramatic performance or movie, presented in the daytime, usually in the afternoon
Do Helene and Philip ever get married?