We have always seen Harry Potter as this innocent little boy in this fantastic story about his life. But is he really the innocent child that is an orphan and has an awful life? No.
"let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spirits or who consults with the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the lord..." This is a quote from the Bible about sorcery and witchcraft and how it is not wanted in the Christian community. Harry Potter is a wizard and he lives in a world where everyone uses sorcery and witchcraft on a daily basis. Harry Potter's mom and dad were also a witch and a wizard, therefore …show more content…
But that does not go with God's word. You can say that Harry Potter is "working" against God, he is working in Satan's service.
Why would anyone who is a Christian want to read something that goes against what God says.
If you read a book you want to be amazed and read a lovely story. A story that teaches young and easily influenced people that practicing witchcraft is good, can be dangerous for their minds. A story should not destroy the young and innocent, which is our future. It is the complete opposite of what the The Holy Bible teaches.
JK Rowlings is marketing these books as a story about a little boy who is an orphan and does not have a good life. He has to live with his evil aunt and her family. But why feel bad for him, when him and his friends are the real problem? According to her, the step parents and their kid are awful people. They are strongly against the witchcraft and sorcery. But Harry Potter runs away against their will and goes to Hogwarts.
So, why read something that can mess up your head when you can read something else, that has with God's