Paper #3 Final Draft English100C
Many reasons cause youngsters to be afraid of school. Personally, I was not afraid. My naïve mind had no idea what was awaiting me within the first couple of weeks of first grade, 6 years old and not a doubt in mind that I was in a safe place. Soon I would realize that I was wrong though. Statistically the National Education Association proves that about 160,000 children miss school every day because they are intimidated of being attacked. The media also works in both favors of discourage and encouraging such behaviors of bulling, such as in the very popular books and movies series of Harry Potter.
In first grade I had the worst encounter with a bully. His name was Jonathan and he …show more content…
The novel and movie encourage the behavior of bullying because it is no secret that once Harry has escaped the torture of his Aunt, Uncle, and cousin he has not escaped his problem overral, in fact he goes to Hogwarts but also encounters a new bully, Draco Malfoy. A generally unpleasant character makes it his duty to make sure that Harry Potter’s stay at Hogwarts not the escape he was looking for. Draco Malfoy firstly gives Harry the opportunity to be one of his clique. For children who are afraid to go to school, this is a possibility to consider. If you don’t want to be bullied, become the bully. Reasonable perspective in the eyes of children in fear all around the world. Removing themselves from being the victim, they have the choice to feel snobby and entitled to not being afraid of anyone. J.K. Rowling the author of these series has a deeper message to convey through these books though. Draco Malfoy is the wrong character, and sure it may be beneficiary to be him, but is not a true character with good and righteous behavior. J.K. Rowling puts her readers in perspective of a moral mirror of