I am going to talk about the Book “Harry Potter & The Philosopher’s stone”. This is the first book in the Harry Potter franchise written by the famous author J.K.Rowling. I choose this book because it looked exciting and easy to read.
This book is about a young boy named Harry Potter, who lives with his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin. He is an orphan and is mistreated by his relatives. The first few chapters are about unusual things that happen to Harry, like the fact that he can talk to snakes, something he discovers at the Zoo. This becomes very important in the other books. Later on in the book Harry discovers that he is a Wizard, and that he got a place in the Witchcraft and Wizardry School “Hogwarts”, this news delights Harry, and so on begins the life of Harry potter as a wizard.
Harry starts at the school and makes some friends. He also manages to get to know two of them very well “Hermione” and “Ron” who play a big role in the harry potter books. Hermione is a clever student that fgffdoes all of her homework in time. Ron Is the opposite of Hermione he does everything wrong, and often asks Hermione for help. As time pass Harry also discovers that he is a special wizard because a powerful and evil wizard, Voldemort, murdered Harry's parents when Harry was an infant, but Voldemort wasn’t able to murder Harry. As Harry learns to fit into the magic world, he goes through many challenges and makes special friends.
As the school year gets underway, Harry discovers that his Potions professor, Snape, does not like him. Hagrid the gamekeeper confirms that Snape has no reason to dislike him. At Halloween Hagrid tells Harry about “The Philosophers stone” a stone that can give infinite life, and that it has been hidden in the castle because of several attempts of stealing it. One day Harry, Ron and Hermione come late to the potion class and are given detention by professor Snape.
Harry and his friends get punished. Part of their punishment is to go into the enchanted forest with Hagrid to find out who has been killing unicorns recently. In the forest, Harry comes upon a hooded man drinking unicorn blood. The man tries to attack Harry, but Harry is rescued by a friendly centaur that tells him Voldemort is his assailant. Harry also learns that it is Voldemort who has been trying to steal Philosophers Stone.
Harry decides that he must find the stone before Voldemort does. He, Ron, and Hermione sneak off that night to the forbidden third-floor corridor. They get past the guard dog and perform many impressive feats as they get closer and closer to the stone. Harry ultimately finds himself face to face with Voldemort, who announces that Harry must die. Knowing that Harry desires to find the stone, Voldemort puts Harry in front of the Mirror of Erised and makes him state what he sees. Harry sees himself with the stone in his pocket, and at that same moment he actually feels it in his pocket. But he tells Voldemort that he sees something else. Voldemort knows that the boy is lying, and attempts to kill Harry, but Voldemort is burned when he touches the boy. And Harry faints. Overall I think this book was a really exciting book as I thought it is easy to read it, and I liked it very much! I really recommend this to others.