
Harsh And Margaret Rouse Essay

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Zebo Zhang
Mis 302
Dr. Yi Sun
Dec.10 2014
There are three main parts of this article i.e. the introductory part that elucidates the objective of the paper and the main body that compares and contrasts the theories put forward by the articles of Stephen Harsh and Margaret Rouse. At the conclusion, reasons why the two articles were selected for discussion is provided; highlighting a subjective opinion of both articles.
Management information systems can be described as computer based systems that provides management tools for managers to plan, structure, assess and efficiently control departmental units within a business enterprise. The main objective of this report is to provide a discussion of two articles that address
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the management information systems, they both different perspectives. Rouse mainly focuses on the historical development of information systems and how these technologies are used in the contemporary world to manage varying aspects of the business processes (Rouse 3). Harsh on the other hand, focuses on the type of information processes by the information system, its historical perspectives, and how these aspects relates to the components of the modern decision support system within the business world (Harsh …show more content…

In his opinion, there are four types of information i.e. descriptive information, diagnostic information, prescriptive information and predictive information. The relevance of descriptive information within the computer based technology is that it depicted the condition of a business. It also describes the nature of the business at a given point in time. The relevance of diagnostic information is that it assists managers to identify the limitations and/or problems comprised within the business process, activities and set ups. It gives managers the capacity to define a problem and develop an adequate corrective measure (Harsh

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