Technology has a large effect on our lives, whether it through watching
Television, Using our mobile phones, or playing video games. Technology has a large effect on what we do daily, some may argue that it negatively affects our lives, while others argue that is it for the better. In this essay I will be exploring the negative and positive effects that technology has on our family lives.
From a young age children are becoming obsessed with technology such as: watching T.V or playing videogames. The parents of these children are happily leaving their children in front of the screen rather than spending time with them. Families would much rather sit and watch T.V rather than going outside and doing more traditional family activities. Surveys have shown that children that are age 25 will watch roughly 32 hours a week watching tv and children that are of ages 611 will spend roughly 28 hours a week watching tv.
This leaves little time to spend as a family and it has shown negative effects on the family life, as a group of children ages 46 were asked if they would rather watch tv or spend time with their dad. 54% of children would rather watch TV than spend time with their father. Teenagers are also spending very little time with their parents as many teens will after coming home from school sit on their computer or games console a survey by “ ” shows that teens spend an average of 31 hours a week online. This leaves little time for parents and teens to spend together and this causes their relationship to suffers as less time is spent together. Although it is not only the kids who are to blame. Parents also contribute to the lack of time spent with their kids with. Surveys have shown that the average british person spend roughly 3.5 hours a day watching T.V and it has been shown that only 15% of parents who watch tv with their children will start a conversation with them, As