A. Which clue would tell Stefan which scapular surface was anterior and which was posterior? What is the name of the oval socket of the scapula?
Hassan could have identified which were right and left possibly by the medial border because the thick edge (lateral border) is closer to the arm. The glenoid cavity is the shallow oval socket B. Which bone is Stefan referring to as a collarbone? Clavicle
C. Which surface markings could Stefan use to distinguish the right humerus from the left? Stephan could identify the right and left humerus by the medical epicondyle, coronoid fossa, radial fossa, or the olecranon fossa.
D. Why would Stefan think that an enlarged deltoid tuberosity might indicate right-handedness?
Because it could indicate that there was more use on the right and the larger tuberosity made up for the larger more used deltoid muscle.
E. What is the location of the pubic symphysis?
The pubic symphysis is in-between the two hip bones.
F. Which female adaptation would have taken place in the pubic symphysis of the skeleton during pregnancy? the hormone relaxin increased the flexibility of the pubic symphysis for delivery of the baby. So the would be stretched as much as possible to allow more room for the exiting baby.
G. What clues could Stefan had used to identify gender of the pelvis? Size could have been Stefan’s clue because the female pelvis is wider and lighter than the male pelvis. There is more space in the true pelvis of the female.
H. How would Stefan have distinguished between the right and left hip bones? Stefan could distinguish between right and left hip bones by the direction of the ilium, the placement of the greater sciatic notch, and acetabulum.
I. Would the bones of each hip bone be fused in the female child’s skeleton?
The bones would have not fused together until puberty and being that the child was aged at around 2-3 therefore the answer is no.