“Man has required time and nothing more vulgar than haste;
If haste is at all to be made,
It should be made slowly, as a later proverb enjoins.”
In daily life, there are many occasions where most people are in a hurry to do their work in time. On these situations, the environment expects a fast service to resolve a problem in a short time. In addition, this behavior could result in a real waste of time and effort.
For example, sometimes when we go to a restaurant to have lunch, we expect a fast service, and we don't like to wait. This expectation could finish in a bad quality of food. The same problem affect to all the services like banks, supermarkets, libraries and bus stations.
As already suggested, haste is vicious and most harmful in business. The old fable of the Hare and the Tortoise is just as good now, and just as true, as when it was first written. In haste, one fails to consider all the sides to the problem and thus a businessman can ill-afford to do. As a Russian proverb goes; “Hurry is only good for catching flies”. Rapidity does not necessarily lead to progress.
Haste also interferes with health and peace of mind. Haste can affect your health. A common problem is the stress, which affects most people from big cities. It may be a symptom of nervousness or debitely and in its own true in fosters weaker and ill health. An unbalanced personality utmost always displays haste. Haste in itself, is sort of morbidity; a disease. The presence of haste signifies the absence of sanity and self-control.
Most of the people think that things have to be done very