For example, hate crimes have a typical profiling for offenders as usually being young white males who commit assaults and intimidation against another race, or a different group of people. As stated in the journal I read, this is truly not the case for hate crime offenders. Offenders appear to be those who are socially isolated, have low self esteem, and they want to belong to a group. Typically they will try to get accepted no matter what it takes. This journal makes it clear that hate crime offenders has nothing to do with race, but with social fitting. Another topic (in this journal) is the prevention of hate crimes. Prevention of hate crimes is mainly ran by community wide commitment to spread awareness of this subject and to come up with effective prevention plans to either reduce or eliminate hate. It is blamed that American government has help co-author a negative past and promoted racial segregation. Having more accurate data for hate crimes, giving education about different diversity, and racial tolerance - will all help prevent and maybe eliminated hate crimes. (James F. …show more content…
Hate crimes are committed evenly and not only because they are from a certain race. Every race commits hate crimes evenly. Now examples on why this is correct my idea is correct because In the article Racial Disparities in Hate Crime Reporting by Heather Zaykowski, she makes points involving hate crime reports, such as the following. There has been an increase in interest with hate crimes, but yet there is still not much information known about it. The explanation to why there is not much information on it is because of the lack of reporting. 8,000 hate crimes were reported to police in 2006, while other sources reported higher estimates than the UCR (Unified Carrier Registration) suggest. Recently the Bureau of Justice released that over 200,000 individuals are victims of hate crimes per year. Individuals should understand that if there was an increase in reporting it would acknowledged hate crimes as a legal offense. There is not much reporting in hate crimes because of many reasons, but one of the most popular reasons researched suggest that minorities are deficient in reporting because they lack confidence and trust in police. They have been influenced by the portrayal of race relations through media. There is also less of a need of police in minorities because of their negative attitudes towards them. It has been examined that whites have a more successful incrimination rate as they have more support and greater accesses to