jokes even though they may be joking other people take them seriously. During high school I did not go to a school full of African Americans, but there was a few. African Americans who make comments about whites and Whites would make racial comments back. Depending on the person you are you may be ractionalom, but I am not. I strongly believe we should all be created equally and given the same rights. Studies have shown that African Americans are more aggressive and have committed more crimes. The reason for committing hate crimes is mainly for defense. African Americans feel the need to be violent because they do not think they have the same rights as everyone else. African Americans were treated poorly during the middle ages, but that does not have to do with anything in our world today.
Our world has completely changed in many ways since the African Americans were treated like slaves. The importance to fighting hate activities is to act, join forces, speak up and educate yourselves. These are all important steps to take to stop hate crimes. Acting and speaking up is the biggest step to take. People should be able to act upon the bad actions and if there is any crime done they should be able to speak up without feeling pressured. The society should definitely try to limit the hate crimes and prevent them as much as they can.If African American commit a crime such as rape and then Whites do they should be given the same punishment. If we do not act upon all the victims who are rapped or assualt, some of them cannot deal with that and end of committing suicide. I also believe that anyone who commits a crime such as rape of assault should be criminalized because that is consider abuse. Which most people who are abused have to suffering with dealing that feeling or the rest of their lives. The offenders should not be sentenced to life death, depending of what crime they
made. They should have to experience jail time. The time in jail should depend on how many hate crimes they have committed and how severe they are. Many people kill people depending on their race, religion or sex. People who are not punished for their actions send messages to children under them to think that it is okay to do. People think that if they get away with a crime they committed that they will get away with committing crimes every time that means more people will be affected by assault. We can prevent these crimes by taking them more seriously and taking into consideration what should happen to the offender.