Greg Lukianoff an attorney, graduate student from Stanford Law School and author of, “Twitter, Hate Speech and The Costs of Keeping Quiet.” Where Lukianoff argues against hate speech being removed from social media since the First Amendment says freedom of speech. Therefore, he writes, “‘Hate speech’ is constitutionally protected in the United Sates. But the push against ‘hurtful’ and ‘blasphemous’ speech (primarily speech offensive to Islam) is gaining ground throughout the world” (388). Lukianoff claims humans need to hear these hateful comments because it keeps them aware of the hate around the world. Of course, it is important to stay aware of hate and true it does not disappear when social media removes it. Nevertheless, the goal is to eliminate the hate but, hate does not stop if the toxic people are not punished as result, of this toxic people stay ignorant to the harm they are causing and it is an endless cycle. Social media also makes it harder to fix the toxic environment because it keeps humans
Greg Lukianoff an attorney, graduate student from Stanford Law School and author of, “Twitter, Hate Speech and The Costs of Keeping Quiet.” Where Lukianoff argues against hate speech being removed from social media since the First Amendment says freedom of speech. Therefore, he writes, “‘Hate speech’ is constitutionally protected in the United Sates. But the push against ‘hurtful’ and ‘blasphemous’ speech (primarily speech offensive to Islam) is gaining ground throughout the world” (388). Lukianoff claims humans need to hear these hateful comments because it keeps them aware of the hate around the world. Of course, it is important to stay aware of hate and true it does not disappear when social media removes it. Nevertheless, the goal is to eliminate the hate but, hate does not stop if the toxic people are not punished as result, of this toxic people stay ignorant to the harm they are causing and it is an endless cycle. Social media also makes it harder to fix the toxic environment because it keeps humans