Family background:
Thutmose I and his great wife Ahmose were the parents of Hatshepsut. T2 was the son of a lesser wife and T1. His right to throne was signified by marriage to Hat. They produced a daughter, Neferure, but no son. T2 had a son, T3, with Isis, a lesser wife.
T2 was sick and weakly, indecisive, not competent enough to rule on his own. Hat got training on how to run the country, as she took on many of her husband’s responsibilities. She had grounding on becoming a ruler. Hence, when T2 died, she was more than capable to rule.
When T2 died, after ruling for a little while, T3 became pharaoh at only 10 yrs old.
As it was customary, the former queen became regent until he was old enough to rule.
Hatshepsut had many titles during T2’s reign. Her titles include: King’s daughter, king’s sister, Great Royal Wife, God’s Wife of Amun. Hence we know that she is royalty.
Cliff-top tomb constructed according to her inferior status as queen
Her moving from title to title: ➢ As royal princess: shown with mum Ahmose, dad T1. find few statues of her as royal princess ➢ GRW: wears vulture cap, wears high feather crown. Producer of future heir, mother of future king. Feminine depiction Archaeological evid: Karnak temple (1st 7 yrs as regent, stressed she was GRW and GWA. The noblemen and 2nd stewards Ramose and Hatmofer, in their tomb’s seals, they saw Hat was GRW, GWA). Only the queen could appoint 2nd stewards ➢ Then abandoned this. At the beginning, still wears vulture cap, has a fem face; gradually wears a short kilt, puts her hands on her thighs (male portrayal), then attached false beard to chin. As regent, she stood behind T3 ➢ As sole ruler, T3 no longer seen in any portrayal. Breasts have gone, face and body are masc. Wears king’s attire-short kilt with triangular flap and crown. Began holding crook and flail. Standing-puts 1 leg forward (king’s pose) Hat depicted herself as a sphinx
➢ As the