nciPles o f x H a rva r d referencing x x WHaT is referencing? x WHaT is PlagiarisM x PrinciPles of aUTHor/daTe referencing x WaYs of ciTing x ParaPHrasing x QUoTaTions x difference BeTWeen reference lisT & BiBliograPHY x reference lisT feaTUres x aPPlicaTions
x WHaT is referencing?
When you write an assignment at university, you are required to refer to the work of other authors. Each time you do so, it is necessary to identify their work by making reference to it both in the text of your assignment and in a list at the end of your assignment. This practice of acknowledging authors is known as referencing.
x WHaT is referencing?
References must be provided whenever you use someone else’s opinions, theories, data or organisation of material.
Reference information from: - Books - Articles - Videos - Web - Other Print Sources - Electronic Sources
x WHaT is referencing?
A reference is required if you: QUoTe (use someone else’s exact words) coPY (use figures, tables or structure) ParaPHrase (convert someone else’s ideas into your own words) sUMMarise (use a brief account of someone else’s ideas).
x WHY reference?
References enhance your writing and assist your reader by: • showing the breadth of your research • strengthening your academic argument • showing the reader the source of your information • allowing the reader to consult your sources independently • allowing the reader to verify your data.
x WHaT is PlagiarisM
Plagiarism is the intentional use of someone else’s ideas, words or concepts in your assignment work. It is considered serious misconduct at University and should be avoided at all times The best way to avoid being accused of plagiarism is to acknowledge the resources upon which you have based your ideas.
x PrinciPles of aUTHor/daTe referencing There are two parts to the author-date system of referencing. • the author and the date are referred to in the text or main body of your writing (called