Island–– 岛
Hawaii–– 美国夏威夷火山岛 (10,432.5 km2)
Maui––茂伊岛 (美国夏威夷洲第二大岛) (1,883.4 km2)
Oahu –– 瓦胡岛 (在太平洋中北部, 美国夏威夷群岛的主岛) (1,545.4 km2)
Kauai–– 考艾岛 (1,430.5 km2)
Molokai––摩洛凯岛, 莫洛凯岛 (673.4 km2)
Lanai ––拉奈岛 (363.9 km2)
Niihau––- 你好岛 (又译尼豪岛) (180.0 km2)
Kahoolawe––-卡霍奥拉维岛 (115.5 km2)
Hawaii is a famous tourist resort -夏威夷是著名的旅游胜地
Hawaii is called an island paradise-夏威夷被称为海岛乐园
Hawaii is an excellent tourist resort-夏威夷是极好的旅游胜地
Destination ––目的地
Vacation –– 假期, 休假
Aloha–– 阿洛哈(表示欢迎或再见)
Paradise –– 天堂
Oceania –– 大洋洲
Pacific Ocean ––太平洋
Polynesia ––波利尼西亚人, 波利尼西亚语(中太平洋的岛群……… Hawaii, New Zealand, Samoa
Melanesia––美拉尼西亚(西南太平洋一海域..........Fiji, New Guinea, Solomon Islands
Micronesia –– 密克罗尼西亚 (西太平洋岛群)……… Guam, Marshall Islands
Tropical –– 热带的
Lagoon –– 泻湖, 咸水湖
Waterfall –– 瀑布
Rainforest –– 雨林
Volcano ––火山
Turquoise –– 绿松石, 青绿色
Population –– 人口
1. What is the capital city of Hawaii? ____________________________
2. In which ocean is Hawaii located? _______________________________
3. The Hawaiian Islands are the projecting tops of an undersea mountain range. How many major islands are there in the state of Hawaii? (There are also many smaller ones not shown on the map above.) ___________________________
4. What is the name of Hawaii's largest island? Captain James Cook was killed on this island in 1779. ___________________________
5. Which of the major islands is farthest north? ___________________________
6. The city of Kaunakakai is on which island? ____________________________________
7. The cities of Honolulu and Kaneohe are on which island? ______________________________________
8. The city of Kahului is on which island? _________________________
9. Which of the major islands is farthest west? _______________________________
10. The tallest point on Hawaii is a volcano that is 13,796 feet (4,205 kilometers) tall. What is its name? _______________________________
King Kamehameha
Kalani Paiʻea Wohi o