TheIlawthorne Dxoeriments
Frederick J. Roethlisberger
The.e seemsto be d dsunpiion today thar se oeed d conpler ser ofideas to handle lhe codpler problens of this conplex worLd in which we l1ve. we 4sume th!! a bic !.oblen needs a bis id€ai a conplex problem needsa conplex idea for ift slution. As a r*ult, ou thinkins tends !o becone nore dd more rormous a.d huddled. Nowhere is dris noie he rhm in nattes ofhunan behavior.l. seemsto ne thar the road back to saniry-,nd here is vhere ny ey Fi ofilsracd.r frar we cm make
t. ln tnowing wery clearlr the cla$ of Flenomena ro which our ides dd nelhods relatc. Now, this is deFly a way of saling, 'Do not use a sas d a hanner." A sa{ is a usetul loolpre, cisely because ir is linited md de. sigred for a certain purpoF. Do no! cnici4 the usetulnes ofa saw be.ase it dos lor make a good hannei . . . It n my sinple thsls that a hlman
prcblen requnes a humd solurion. Inst, we have to leam torecocnize a hunan 1. In ]Evins a few shple dd clear ideas problen when we seeoner ed, scond, aboutthe xorld in which re live. upon rccognizbg ir, we have to lea6 to 2. In conpliatins our ideas, nor in a deal with it as such md not d if it yerc Yatuun, bD! only in Elerence ro somethins else. Too oft€n at lhe verbai thinss we can obsere, see,feel, hear, lerel se talk sl,bly about rhe inportmcc a touc!. Let u not eeftralize flon verbal denniti.$i ler !s know in lao of the huhm {actor dd too seldon at the concrcre level or behavior do we rec. {hat we de raltins rbour. J In having a very sinple nethod by o8lize a human lroblen for whar it is neans of shich we cad explore our aqd deal silh ir as such. A nlllm Folcospld world. \ve nee,l a r@l which btu to be brclsht tu t hmn \atLtian te, wili alld usro sct nlc idd, &on whch qtircs l aM dotd and hmh toak. h is our sdcEli:atios areb b. dra*r \t/e my pu.pose b use the Wsre.n ElecEic needa simpleskill to lee! c in iolch researches as an illNrari.n of what with sh3r is sometnnes refened to d