1. In what ways are Hazel’s customers most likely to judge the quality of her lawn care services? Hazel needs to make sure that she arrives on the day of the week that she scheduled that neighbor and be on time, weather permitting. She needs to make sure the lawn service is to the customer’s satisfaction and have the price at a reasonable cost.
2. Hazel is the operations manager of her business. Among her responsibilities are forecasting, inventory management, scheduling, quality assurance and maintenance.
a. What kinds of things would likely require forecasts? Scheduling, getting new business and keeping up with the business already owned, hiring someone to help, if needed, and maintenance.
b. What inventory items does Hazel probably have? Gas, gas cans, oil, and garbage bags. Name one inventory decision she has to make periodically. How much of each item to buy in order to have enough supplies to do each job correctly.
c. What scheduling must she do? Making sure that she allows enough time to make sure that all lawn cuttings can be done correctly, travel time between jobs must be allowed for, day light hours will vary somewhat, and allowing for special attention if something needs to be redone. What things might occur to disrupt schedules and cause Hazel to reschedule? Rain or bad weather, equipment failure, if she gets sick or has a family emergency.
d. How important is quality assurance? Explain. Very important! If she doesn’t do quality work that she has promised, her customers will fire her and will go elsewhere, and she will be out of business.
e. What kinds of maintenance must be performed? Lawn equipment will need to be maintained, blades sharpened, oil changed, motors overhauled, etc. Transportation vehicles will need similar types of maintenance.
3. What are some of the trade-offs that Hazel probably considered relative to:
Working for a company instead of for herself? There may be less stress working