Name - Akshay Amudhan
Student # - 500538718
Section # - CGMS200 - BAO
Professor – Masoomeh Moharrer
Paper ID - 253082124
#1. The first and most prominent competitive strategy used by HBC is the growth
strategy. When HBC was in debt, it needed to change its way of selling and marketing
products. In order to keep up with big-name markets such as Wal-Mart and Old Navy,
HBC was forced to rethink its strategy in order to grow its operation. Expanding store
locations and promoting a more fashionable image were some ways in which HBC used
the growth strategy to strengthen its market when faced with a crisis situation.
Another competitive strategy used by HBC was the renewal strategy, which …show more content…
introducing new features in order to stay competitive and overcome weaknesses. This
was implemented through the use of a system called “HBC Rewards” and online
shopping. This enabled HBC to entice new customers without introducing new and
possibly risky products.
HBC also used the stability strategy. Deciding to go back and focus on value-based sales
rather than to promote steep discounts and high-end products.
#2. After the sale to Jerry Zucker and NRDC, HBC immediately implemented the
renewal strategy once more seeking to revive the company through better customer
service, better brands and stronger operations. Things that were preventing them from
further success.
Along with this target, HBC went with the combination strategy. Choosing to re-launch
the brand “Room” at one of its locations in Toronto. Focusing on two different strategies
together made HBC even more profitable. Finally, HBC used the Stability strategy to stay
competitive by further building upon what brought them prior success, hoping to launch
“Room” in other major cities and to capitalize on their Canadian history.
#3. The first and most important strategy/decision chosen by HBC prior to its sale to
Jerry Zucker was the growth strategy. This is a corporate-level strategy because it
directed the organization as a whole towards one particular target/goal. Thus pushing
HBC towards a sustainable competitive advantage. Another corporate-level strategy
when HRDC bought HBC, it quickly choose a growth strategy and pushed toward a
intended goal using the entire company.
A business-level strategy was used when HBC decided to better its customer service as
well as to promote a more fashionable image. These can be defined as business-level
strategies because they involved a single business-unit, or a certain product line/area. The
inclusion of the “HBC Rewards” can also be consider as an business-level strategy
largely because it focused on a single area of concern within the whole organization.