• Human behavior and the organization hierarchy
Human behavior is of crucial importance in the establishment of a hierarchy. Hierarchies are necessary in every kind of organization, from schools to companies to charities. Some homes even have a hierarchy established. Hierarchies allow workers in an organization to pursue similar objectives by working together. Leaders are needed to guide organization members through day-to-day tasks. Human behavior dictates the strongest will be highest in a hierarchy, as it is for those people organization members have the greatest respect. For instance, in a company, it will be those with the most work experience and highest standard of qualifications who gain high hierarchy positions.
• Human behavior and co-operation
Human behavior allows members of an organization to work together effectively. As people know the necessary way in which to interact with one another, they can communicate effectively and build good working relationships that allow organization objectives to be pursued with maximum effect. Sometimes it is necessary to influence and change human behavior in terms of cooperation. For instance, a few decades ago it was considered the norm for male colleagues to call female colleagues pet names such as 'love' and 'hun'. Nowadays, this is thought to be unprofessional and even derogatory. Any organization member who treats their colleagues in a way that is deemed inappropriate can face disciplinary procedures if they do not alter their