Social Influence
The effect that words, actions, or presence of people have on our attitudes, thoughts, feelings and behavior
The way people interpret the social environment. (How do you construe someone's behavior? Is it polite, rude etc?)
Individual differences aspects of personalities that makes people unique
Social psych analyses the individual in the context of a social situation, and it aims to identify universal human nature traits that makes everyone susceptible to social influences, regardless of social class or culture
Fundamental attribution error explaining our own or other peoples' behavior based on personality characteristics alone. Underestimates social influence
Approach to understanding behavior through only reinforcing properties of events. (Positive, negative, punishment, operant conditioning)
Gestalt psych
Studies subjective way in which an object appears in peoples' minds, rather than the objective, physical attributes of the subject. Like perceiving a painting as a whole instead of the sum of its parts.
The degree to which one views oneself as good, competent and decent
Social cognition how people select, interpret, remember and use social information to make judgments and decisions.
Hindsight Bias
Exaggeration of how much one could predict an outcome after knowing that it already happened
Observational method
No random assignment, not experimental, view and record measurements of natural behavior
Difficult to analyse certain behavior which occur rarely or in private (peoples' willingness to help a rape victim
Study of cultures by observing from the inside ie being a part of it
Interrater reliability reliability of an experiment based on level of agreement from 2 or more independent judges
Archival analysis
Secondary source information based on historical records like newspapers, diaries etc. But information is limited and may be