Each of us develops:
Partly like all individuals (talking, growth)
Partly like some individuals (where we live, gender)
Partly like no other individuals (you are you)
** Jim twins were reunited at 39 years old**
- Both environment and biology play strong roles in development.
Nature – The influence of heredity on development or biologically based predispositions. (infants cry, and we grow taller etc.)
Nurture – forces in the environment that influence development (social environment siblings etc.)
Learning requires human interaction especially with language by the time babies hit 6 months, they ignore sounds not in their language.
Disorders that have substantial genetic predisposition
1. Depression
2. Autism
3. Alzheimer’s
4. Schizophrenia
5. Alcoholism
Traits that have genetic predisposition
1. Intelligence
2. Verbal Ability
3. Vocational interest
4. Scholastic achievement
5. Memory
Extroversion/Introversion – Neuroticism – Openness – Conscientiousness – Agreeable.
When researchers report that trats are heritable they typically mean that genes account for 30-60% of the variation you sii in a trait.
We can change based on own ideas (if you decide to not be shy you can change)
The environment modifies or enhances traits to which we are predisposed.
Stability vs Change
Is personality stable over time (part yes part no)
To what extent do early experiences set the life path of individuals
How well can we predict later development from early development?
Reciprocal influence/interactions – the idea that every individual influences and is influenced by the other individuals in their environment.
Research – a systematic way of studying changes.
Scientific investigation has three broad goals
1. Description: Average trends in human development across the life span (new born babies are typically 7lbs 20inches