By: Walter Ciszek
Chapter 1: Albertyn: On October 17, 1939, The Red Army had entered a small town called Albertyn in Poland. It came clear that Germany and Russia were dividing up Poland. Father Walter was a young American parish priest. Many people began to not show up to church because they were scared that they would get caught. More and more people began to turn away from God. Walter talks about how even at the roughest of times, you should always stay faithful to God.
Chapter 2: The Decision to Enter Russia: A friend of Father Walters was a man named Father Makar. He planned to cancel the Albertyn mission and instead go to Russia where they would work in Russian factories around the Ural Mountains. Father Walter thought this to be a great idea to continue his missions in Russia. He suffered of the dilemma of not know if this was God’s will for him to go to Russia or to stay there in Albertyn. At first he decided to stay in Albertyn because that’s where he was wanted but concluded on going to Russia because that brought him joy and interior peace that are marks of God’s true intervention of the soul.
Chapter 3: Russia: Father Walter was very excited when they crossed into Russia. The men had been hired by Lespromhoz, which was a big Soviet lumber combine that was hiring men in the Ural regions. The working conditions were pretty rough but that didn’t bother them compared to the fact that it was against the law to spread the truths of faith and foster religion. Father Walter and his friends were thinking of going back to Poland where he knew they could actually act like priests and help those who needed it there instead of hiding the fact that they were priests in Russia.
Chapter 4: Arrest and Imprisonment: The German Army launched its blitzkrieg into Russia on June 22, 1941. The Soviet Union immediately declared a state of war. At three in the morning, Father Walter, Father Nestrov and three of their roommates were arrested at gun